The film “Slumberland,” directed by Francis Lawrence, is about an 11-year-old named Nemo who lives on an island with her father, Peter, a lighthouse keeper. Nemo moves in with her uncle Philip, whom she has never met before, after her father passes away unexpectedly during a storm. Nemo will soon have a dream about going back to her old home, where she will meet Flip (Jason Momoa), an outlaw who went on many adventures with her father. After learning about the magical pearls that can fulfil any wish, Nemo embarks on her own journey with Flip in the hopes of running into her father again.
The reviews for “Slumberland” were conflicting after its debut. The plot and tempo of the movie were criticised, despite the fact that the images and performances received a lot of appreciation. We have the answer to your question about whether “Slumberland” will have a sequel.
Slumberland Sequel Release Date
The Netflix original series “Slumberland” debuted on November 18, 2022. The movie is based on the comic strip “Little Nemo on Slumberland” by Winsor McCay. What is known about the “Slumberland” sequel is listed below.
The creation of a “Slumberland” sequel has not yet been confirmed by the filmmakers or Netflix officials. Momoa is a prominent star in the original movie, which had a huge $150 million budget and an all-star ensemble. It’s clear that Netflix thinks highly of this initiative. Nearly all of Netflix’s high-profile productions in recent years, including “Extraction,” “Red Notice,” and “The Gray Man,” have received approval for sequels. None of these movies, like “Slumberland,” had especially favourable reviews, but the Netflix algorithm clearly thought they were popular because they were given sequels.
There is a chance for “Slumberland” to have a sequel if it is able to duplicate the success of the aforementioned movies. McCay’s original work is actually pretty substantial. Even if they used a lot of artistic licence in the first movie’s adaptation, the filmmakers can still use the comic strip as inspiration in the future. The sequel to “Slumberland” is anticipated to release sometime in Q4 2024, if it receives approval in the coming months.
Slumberland Sequel Cast: Who Can Be in It?
‘Slumberland’ also stars Momoa, Marlow Barkley as Nemo, Kyle Chandler as Peter, Chris O’Dowd as Philip, Weruche Opia as Agent Green, India de Beaufort as Ms. Arya, Chris D’Silva as Jamal, and Yanna McIntosh as Ms. Arya (Carla).
Barkey and O’Dowd will presumably return in the potential sequel. After all, their characters are the centre of the narrative. Due to the fact that Momoa and O’Dowd portray various incarnations of the same character, his reappearance is also very likely. And even if they are united by the end of the first movie, Flip might still separate from them when they are in Slumberland. Even though Chandler’s character is no longer alive, he could still show up in dreams. If they go back to Slumberland, Opia will have lots of opportunities to reprise her role. It’s possible that the upcoming sequel may expand the cast with fresh actors.
Slumberland Follow-Up What Could It Be About?
Nemo sacrifices her own wish in “Slumberland” so Flip can go back to the Waking World and rejoin Philip. She is about to drown when Philip saves her after regaining his former personality. As Agent Green discloses that Pig stole a second pearl, Nemo takes advantage of the opportunity to spend one final second with her father. As the movie comes to a close, Nemo is seen living happily in the city with her uncle.
Nemo might return to Slumberland in the potential sequel as a new catastrophe develops. Morpheus and Nightmare King could make an appearance in the narrative. Flip can still travel with Nemo now that he has a more wholesome personality.
Does Slumberland Have a Book Based on It? Is There a Connection to Finding Nemo?
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.