12 Major Details You Might Have Not Noticed About Spencer Reid From Criminal Minds

12 Major Details You Might Have Not Noticed About Spencer Reid From Criminal Minds

Dr. Spencer Reid, a Supervisory Special Agent in the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), has had some significant character arcs in Criminal Minds throughout the course of the show’s 15 seasons. Among them include being on one of the most uncomfortable Tinder dates ever and being apprehended by serial killer Tobias Henkel.

Since Reid is the show’s most important character and has been involved in many notable plots, viewers are considerably better familiar with him. There is still a plethora of information about the highly clever FBI agent that is hidden, despite the fact that most things about him are readily apparent.

On July 14, 2022, Amanda Bruce updated: Despite the fact that Criminal Minds ended years sooner than expected, fans have persisted in demanding a sequel series or another spinoff so they may spend a little bit longer with the beloved characters. Many members of the core cast from the show’s 15 seasons have been rumoured to appear in reunion series, though Matthew Gray Gubler’s Spencer Reid may not if it proceeds. There are still plenty of Reid plots to follow and things to observe in the original programme, which is available on streaming sites like Hulu and Paramount+, even though that is bound to disappoint some fans.

How Many Qualifications Does Reid Have?

Reid holds PhDs in chemistry, mathematics, and engineering as well as BAs in sociology and psychology, according to information from Season 4’s “Masterpiece.” He also shows proficiency in forensic anthropology in the sixth season episode “Big Sea” by correctly identifying the races and sexes of skeletal remains.

Reid’s extensive qualifications are not surprising because he has often been described as educated and devoted. He may seem to be primarily interested in the sciences, but that’s not the case. His general knowledge is extensive, and he once thought of studying literature. Spencer Reid, in classic Spencer Reid manner, decided to do something new because he had already read all the course materials.

Reid Has A Childhood Nickname

In season 12, Reid’s mother reveals that his childhood nickname was “Crash” after he brings her home from a clinical study. This is because when he was younger, he frequently ran into objects.

Diana and Reid’s mother have never had a good connection. On the plus side, she is rumoured to be as smart as he is, so it comes as no surprise that she would give him a simple yet appropriate nickname. Even as an adult, Reid has been given nicknames like Sir Percival and Junior G-man by his coworkers.

Reid Has A Distinctive Residence

The Special Agent resides in apartment number 23 on the second level of Capital Plaza Apartments. These specifics may be seen in “Magnum Opus” from season 8 and “Demons” from season 9. Since his cars typically have Washington, DC, licence plates, the apartment is most likely in that city.

Reid’s residence in Washington, DC, is odd given that Quantico, Virginia serves as the home office for the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU). The plates can potentially be a common filming error. Despite the BAU team’s Virginia headquarters, some of the episode is filmed in Washington, D.C. Reid receives a new automobile in season 10 with the Virginia licence plate 478 591, even though it is never implied that he has moved.

Reid Has A High Level Of Intelligence

Dr. Spencer Reid has a remarkable IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory. Hotch reveals this information when he first meets Woodland. The latter believes Reid is too young to have attended medical school, but Reid explains that his “doctor” title is a result of having earned three PhDs. He says that he can read 20,000 words per minute and provides his IQ as well.

It requires a smarter individual to read criminals’ minds, and Reid has a much higher IQ than Albert Einstein, who had a score of 160. Reid has an IQ that is on par with another well-known TV character. One of the little-known facts about Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory is that he also has an IQ of 187. However, according to the World Genius Directory, Evangelos Katsioulis has the highest IQ (198) of them all.

Reid Has One Character Inconsistency

In the fifth season episode “The Internet Is Forever,” Robert Johnson, also known as “The Internet Killer,” one of Criminal Minds’ most recognisable unsubs, is sought after by the BAU team. Reid claims he doesn’t have an email address in the episode. But he has one a few episodes later (“Cradle To The Grave”)!

Since authors may forget minor facts from prior seasons, inconsistencies typically spread over multiple seasons. This one, though, happens quite rapidly, which makes it even stranger. Reid’s decision to get an email account and abandon his technophobia after meeting Johnson is never discussed, hence it is reasonable to infer that this is a character discrepancy.

Reid Has The Most Appearances In The Opening Sequences

The only character to appear in the opening credits of every single episode of the show is the BAU Supervisory Special Agent. There are 324 episodes in all.

This demonstrates how crucial Reid is to the process. Most cases that arrive at the BAU’s offices would stall without his skilled analysis and insight. Given that actor Gubler earns $100,000 every episode, making him the highest-paid cast member, as reported by Deadline, the character’s extensive use seems warranted.

Reid Is A Libra

Spencer Reid, being the analytical man he is, probably wouldn’t believe in astrology. He wouldn’t be opposed to learning that he is a Libra, though, since he would probably be curious by how it has evolved over time. His birthdate, which is specified in the programme as being on October 12, will allow fans to deduce that.

Like a Gemini, Libras are endearing and capable of changing with the times. They are also good at playing the devil’s advocate and can see all sides of any argument. Even yet, based on their own internal moral compass, Libras typically have a strong sense of justice. Reid possesses each of those qualities, which actually benefit him in his work as an investigator and profiler.

Reid Is Multilingual

In the sixth season episode “Sense Memory,” Reid’s command of Russian is so advanced that he is able to watch a five-hour film in that language without any subtitles. And in “Rock Creek Park,” from season 10, he can understand a woman who is speaking Yoruba.

Reid’s outstanding character growth includes this skill because, in season 2, he admits that he doesn’t speak Spanish or Russian. His intelligence is demonstrated by how rapidly he learned Russian. Although it’s not clear how he learnt either language, it’s possible that he taught himself.

Reid Isn’t Quite A Rookie In The Pilot Episode

Spencer Reid isn’t actually a rookie to the FBI, even if he is in season 1 considered as one because of his age disparity with his colleagues. In the pilot episode, it is evident that he is valued for his contributions to the team, but because he is just 24 years old, he is frequently treated like a child.

Reid joined the FBI at the age of 22, according to information that was gradually released throughout the course of the show. Reid joined the show in 2003, and it will premiere in 2005. He has worked for the FBI for two years at the time he is first presented.

Reid Is Responsible For Some Unsub Deaths

Despite having a geeky and innocent appearance, Dr. Spencer Reid actually killed eight unsubs while he was on the show. These people are Casey Allen Pinker, Phillip Dowd, Chloe Donaghy, Tobias Hankel, Daniel Milworth, John Bradley, and Andrew Meeks.

One of the ways Criminal Minds evolves over the course of the seasons is Reid’s targeted murderous rampage. Unlike some of the other agents in the BAU, his work description does not compel him to pursue criminals all the time. He is almost as at ease as Penelope Garcia, but because of the danger involved in his line of work, he has occasionally found himself in conflict with them. He has primarily killed people out of self-defense.

Reid’s Leg Injury Was A Real-Life Addition

Reid is shot in the leg while attempting to save Dr. Barton in the fifth season episode “Nameless, Faceless.” He takes some time to heal, and everything here is related to actual life.

Gubler allegedly sustained a knee injury that required three surgeries, according to Looper. He had no choice but to use a cane to walk. The authors chose to add a new injury plot for Reid rather than stop shooting. This is only one instance of how TV series have incorporated actual events, like pregnancies, into the plots.


Reid Wears Unique Socks

Reid never dons socks that match. Gubler himself is actually responsible for this behaviour. His grandma once taught him that wearing socks that aren’t the same colour brings luck, he recalled in an interview.

It is not a belief that is exclusive to the programme. Many people in the real world also think that Lady Luck is attracted to mismatched socks. To test their luck in various aspects of life, showgoers may try dressing like Dr. Spencer Reid and wear their socks.