The Batman End-Credits Scene Explained | What Really Happened In The Batman’s End!

The Batman spoilers are in the text below.

It should come as no surprise that Warner Brothers released a rather excellent digital tie-in that lets fans try their hand at deciphering The Riddler’s stunning riddles since The Riddler (Paul Dano) amasses an online presence in Matt Reeves’ The Batman that hangs on his every enigmatic word. The Batman, unlike other superhero films, does not have a mid-credit or post-credit scene to tease what is to come. Instead, after the credits have finished, a message reading “goodbye” is flashed across the screen, followed by the URL, inviting viewers to visit the in-world website that the Riddler used to taunt the greatest detective in the world.


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While attempting to identify the identity of the rat with wings, Batman (Robert Pattinson) and Detective Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) are sent on a wild rat chase by one of The Riddler’s clues in the film. The two guess that The Riddler is sending them after The Penguin (Colin Farrell) rather than the apparent solution, which is a bat, and they drag him off for interrogation. When they arrive, they decipher the code and understand that The Riddler gave them a URL rather than a misspelt Spanish phrase.

The Rataalada website has been available for fans to use since the first significant critic screenings in the final week of February, allowing them to begin unravelling the mystery of Gotham City’s corrupt elite. A sharp mind and a little guessing can solve some puzzles, while others call for the solver to have seen the film. The Riddler returns every day with fresh puzzles to solve, some of which call for playing since the game’s release.

Fear the one behind whom one hides. A mask.
What was once new is now fresh. Rebirth. Restoration. Reformation. Renewal.
I am first and foremost a con artist. Or possibly a combination of the two. That depends on your misunderstanding. Confusion.

The Riddler will reward you with a password-protected zipfile called What Am I if you provide the right answer. Of sure, a “promise” is the correct response.

A video titled Thomas Wayne Lies, from a 2001 election campaign film, can be found inside the zip file. In it, Thomas Wayne is heard saying, “Instilled in both of us that giving back is not just an obligation, it’s a passion. That is the legacy of our family. The Riddler has added his eerie heavy breathing to the video, and two segments have the mysterious words “HUSH!” and “THE TRUTH ABOUT GOTHAM!” placed on them.

The Riddler will inquire if you return to Rataalada after watching the movie: “Do you think Thomas Wayne is a great man?” You’ll receive another gift and the following message if you choose “N”: “You have every right to be sceptical of the wealthy and powerful. Every outstanding person always keeps a secret.

The new reward, which requires you to have been playing the game the entire time, is an image with the filename 06.jpg and features the Riddler’s Zodiac Killer-inspired cypher. You would have been able to interpret the code as “A MAZE OF RIDDLES” if you had consistently been able to solve the riddles and the hints in file names. This code is also concealed in the Riddler’s signature on Rataalada: “You’ve successfully solved my maze of riddles. Keep an eye out for my arrival.”

In theatres currently is The Batman. Below are a few of The Riddler’s puzzles:

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Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.

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