Pictures: The Circle Season 5 Cast : Who Are You Rooting For?

The Circle, a popular reality series on Netflix, has unveiled its season 5 cast! The cast of the next fifth season of the reality series The Circle has been revealed in the first trailer, which will air at the end of this month.


For those of you who are unaware, let us inform you that The Circle is based on the original British TV series of the same name. The Circle debuted on the world-renowned streaming service Netflix in the year 2020. According to the show’s description, it is a social media game where “anyone can be anyone in The Circle.”


The Circle is not a dating show, but for some of the contestants this season, season 5 of the reality TV show might feel like one. As with the previous seasons, this season will also include a number of strangers living in various flats within the same structure.

Every week, all of the contestants on the television program The Circle can engage with one another via online conversations where they cast their votes for both the greatest and the worst competitors. With a brand-new cast of competitors, season 5 follows the same format as previous seasons. On December 28, 2022, Netflix will launch the fifth season of the television program.

Meet the cast of ‘The Circle’ season 5

Brett Robinson

Many of you might be familiar with Brett Robinson from the acclaimed reality series Big Brother’s 20th season. He is a Connecticut native and a cyber security engineer. He included this fascinating information about himself in his Big Brother bio: “I hack into his friends’ computers for fun.”

In the upcoming season of The Circle, Brett will be there, and we are confident that he will use his charming demeanor to win over some of the players. He appears to be going shirtless for the majority of the show.

Billie-Jean Blackett aka Bruno

Another contestant from Catfish’s fifth season is Billie-Jean Blackett. She will take up the role of Bruno in the fifth season of the reality series The Circle. She is a model and radio host from London aside from the show.

Brian Clark aka Brittney

a bunch of them. The and.. and, the and…… a., the way in a He seems to be trying to win over the other contestants on the reality show, but we are all aware that catfishing an older contestant as much as a younger one doesn’t usually work out well. Only time will tell how that turns out for him and other people.

Chaz Alvarez

Alvarez describes himself as the “shampoo papi” on the social networking site Instagram since he owns a car detailing shop. He will need to exert every effort in The Circle’s fifth season to establish himself as a collaborator rather than a game-changer.

Chaz uses Instagram frequently. Over 3.5k people follow him on the social media site Instagram. We discovered a number of pictures of him from his international adventures when we browsed through his Instagram page.

Marvin Achi

Marvin Achi is a chemical engineer by trade and a native of Nigeria. You might infer from his appearance that he is an aspiring professional athlete or bodybuilder.

Because of his muscular build, Achi may be able to gain favors from individuals who are attracted to him, or he may become a target in the show. He came close to participating in Big Brother’s 24th season before being unexpectedly replaced.

Oliver TwiXt

It’s possible that Oliver TwiXt from The Circle’s fifth season has already been seen by you. He had previously been on WE TV’s The Ts Madison Experience. He is well recognized for posting social media interviews with America’s Next Top Model contestants.

Raven Sutton

Both a performer and a disability rights activist, she is deaf. Raven will be accompanied on the show by her close friend Paris, who will assist her with translation and provide encouragement for the duration of her travels.


a resident of Brooklyn, always has a great selfie. She is currently 34 years old and works as a freelance makeup artist.

Shubham Goel

For season 5 of the reality series The Circle, Shubham Goel, who finished second in season 1 of the program, will return. He has consistently been one of the audience favorites throughout the event.

Let us tell you that Shubham Goel’s involvement in season 5 of the show wasn’t even announced by Netflix until December 12th, 2022.

Tasia aka Tamira

While Tasia is portraying Tamira in The Circle, it’s possible that she will let her beliefs—including her support for the Black Lives Matter movement and her pride in her sexual orientation—slip. She needs to play the game well, we hope.

Tom Houghton

Tom Houghton is a stand-up comedian from London, away from The Circle. He certainly has a large following on Instagram. He currently has more than 50k followers on the Instagram photo and video sharing app. He might become famous among his Circle friends thanks to his sense of humor.

Xanthi Perdikomatis

Since Xanthi is a model, she is familiar with all of the camera angles. She will just have to worry about whether or not the other players will perceive her as a catfish.

Are you anticipating The Circle’s fifth season on Netflix? Please share your opinions with us in the space below. Keep checking back with us for the most recent information from the entertainment industry.