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“The Post-Truth World” End Credits – What Does The Last Scene Really Mean?

The Post-Truth World on Netflix tells the tale of a reporter who becomes involved in a long-running murder case. Baseball prospect Zhang Zheng-Yi was traveling to the United States at the time. When his girlfriend is found dead and he is the only suspect, all of his plans are foiled. Zheng-Yi is detained and imprisoned because all the evidence is against him. No one believes him despite his insistence that he is innocent. Seven years later, he escapes from jail, and with the aid of Liu Li-Min, a reporter, he learns the horrific truth of Wang Shi-Yun’s demise. The killer is revealed in the movie’s final moments, but a post-credits scene completely changes the picture. The meaning is as follows.


The Post-Truth World End Credits: Who Killed Shi-Yun?

Although Zheng-Yi is found guilty of killing Shi-Yun, it is immediately apparent that he is not the murderer. He escapes prison after serving seven years of his sentence after finding a new lead in the investigation. Shi-Yun’s brother sends a note to Zheng-Yi, notifying him about the hidden bank account of his sister, in which she had six hundred thousand dollars. Shi-Yun’s father shredding the passbook without any indication of wanting to look into it further raises even more questions.


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Li-Min is comparing two audios in the scene following the credits. One tape contains Shi-Yun’s final words to Zheng-Yi before she passed away. Zheng-Yi admits that while he was imprisoned, he constantly listened to that audio. He was attempting to make out any background noise. He reasoned that it might provide some information about who the murderer was. The second audio comes from a video Li-Min recorded while he was visiting Mei-Zhi, an elderly woman who had witnessed the murder. She had earlier provided evidence against Zheng-Yi, which was crucial to his conviction.

The grandson of the elderly woman later admitted to killing Shi-Yun. He said that he had interrupted her cocaine sale by walking in on her. The altercation between them resulted in Shi-Yun’s demise. He removed all traces of proof out of fear for his life and ran away. Later, Zheng-Yi appeared and was apprehended for the murder after being identified. Li-Min initially thinks that the grandmother made up her statement in an effort to protect her grandson, Zeng Jing-An. The auditory comparison, however, then reveals something else.

Li-Min notices the same background noise that Zheng-Yi had been attempting to identify in the second audio. He discovers that it is the leg brace of the elderly woman. This proves that she was present when Shi-Yun was slain, which makes Li-Min understand that the account Jing-an gave was accurate but that his grandma, not he, was actually responsible for the crime. The grandmother was actually working against saving her grandson.

Li-Min finds this information to be even more terrible because it implies that he and Zheng-Yi have committed a crime and are unable to tell the public about it. They spread the rumor that Jing-an was responsible for the murder in an effort to exonerate Zheng-Yi. In a fit of rage, Zheng-Yi kills him because he thinks he killed his lover. Li-Min tells lies to prevent Zheng-Yi from being sent back to jail. He claims that after the assailant attempted to kill Li-Min, Zheng-Yi murdered him out of self-defense. Li-Min’s philosophy is flipped by the revelation that the elderly woman was the murderer. No matter what, he had pledged, he would use his journalism to expose the truth. He received the views he required to keep his show and channel alive. He became famous as a result, but he had to lie to get there. He must remain silent about the truth for the rest of his life, despite the fact that he now knows it.