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The Upshaws Season 4 Ending: Will Lucretia Make a Momentous Decision?

The Upshaws, a comedy-drama on Netflix, is back for a fourth season with more humour and drama for the viewers. The tale picks off where the previous season’s conclusion left off, with Regina taking a sabbatical from her family. She is residing at the home of her sister, who has assumed her duties and is raising her children. Over time, Lucretia and Regina’s relatives get impatient and demand that she come back. But towards the conclusion of the season, this is no longer a major concern for them. What the conclusion portends for Lucretia and the Upshaws is as follows.


The Upshaws Season 4 Plot Synopsis

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Regina is utilising her time away from her family to the fullest. Instead of attending to the needs of every member of the family, she is finally caring for herself. Even though Lucretia has stepped in to take care of the kids while Regina is away, she still wishes Regina would resolve her problems and return home as soon as possible. Lucretia misses spending time alone herself and doesn’t want her sister to bother her any more.


Regina asks Bennie to visit therapy on the suggestion of her therapist. Despite his initial reluctance, he ultimately decides to proceed in order to assist his wife and bring her back home. Once Regina has found a safe place to express her emotions, she explains how she has been feeling for a very long time and why she felt she had to leave her house and attend treatment for everything to work out.

When Lucretia learns she is no longer wealthy, she finds herself in a pickle while the Upshaws deal with their issues. When she learns that Eric, who was supposed to have submitted her tax returns all these years, never did, she learns this information. Instead, when the police caught up with him, he stole the money and fled. Regina has suffered a severe setback, casting a serious doubt on her future.

The Upshaws Season 4 Ending: Will Lucretia Sell the Garage?

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The fact that Lucretia is wealthy is one of the key aspects of “The Upshaws.” She is the owner of both the residence where she resides and the garage that Bennie operates. These are her investments, and with the money she produces, she can live a life of luxury. Her sister and her family look up to her since she is wealthy and can always bail them out when they are in trouble.

Despite their dislike for one another, she helped Bennie with the garage. By paying for Regina’s therapy and allowing her to stay at the house, she supported Regina. Bernard also had asked for financial assistance from Lucretia so that he could start his gym. Because of this, everyone could rely on Lucretia under trying circumstances. Furthermore, it gives Lucretia independence. She always had coverage since she took care of it herself.

Thus, when her whole financial resources are taken away, Lucretia experiences an existential crisis. She keeps it a secret primarily because she doesn’t want to ask for their assistance. She attempts to find ways to become wealthy once more rather than embracing her new situation. Eventually, though, the truth is revealed, and she is forced to make a difficult choice after coming to a fork in the road.

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Due to her years of unpaid taxes, the IRS threatened to seize the building. She must either acquire the funds or pay for everything. Or otherwise, she’ll have to let go of the structure, saying farewell to the house she cherishes beyond everything else. She doesn’t want to sell the garage because doing so would affect both her sister and Bennie’s ability to support himself. However, if she keeps the garage, she will have to vacate the property and will be without a place to live. Regina exhorts her to put her needs first and be selfish for once rather than considering what other people might want.

Bennie utilises the fact that Regina is poor as an occasion to make fun of her. This is her way of getting even for the times she put her wealth before him. He wants to kick her while she’s down rather than show sympathy. Regina initially doesn’t take his jokes seriously. She anticipated this scenario. She originally didn’t want anyone to know for this reason, among others. But when Bennie finally puts her to the limit, she makes the selfish choice. She ultimately decides to sell the garage in order to maintain a roof over her head.

Because losing the garage would be a serious issue, Bennie and Regina are shocked. Bennie put a lot of effort into making the garage successful because it was his only source of income. Regina assisted him in maintaining the property since she could at the time. However, she now realises that Bennie is more intent on getting even and making jokes about her. Bennie’s actions have persuaded her, despite her earlier reservations, that she doesn’t need to consider him. This time, she needs to put herself first and be self-centered.