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The Upshaws: Gabrielle Dennis and Tasha’s Storyline Unveiled

‘The Upshaws’ on Netflix tells the tale of a working-class family and all of their good and bad times. It features Mike Epps and Kim Fields as Bennie and Regina Upshaw, a married couple who experience many ups and downs while raising their three children. Every season, when they must face their troubles head-on and work through them because they still love each other, their relationship is put to the test. Tasha and her son with Bennie are one of the issues that have caused strife between them.


Long ago, they had an affair, but once Kelvin was born, Bennie had to take care of his child, which required Regina to be receptive to having Kelvin and Tasha in their lives. The first three seasons of the show featured Tasha on a regular basis. In the fourth season, she is not present at all. What has become of her? Let’s investigate. Spoilers follow.


What Happened to Tasha in The Upshaws?

When he believed he and Regina were taking a break, Bennie and Tasha became involved. Regina became pregnant as a result of this brief liaison, and Kelvin was born as a result. Around the time Kelvin was born, Bennie was back with Regina and they had Savannah. Regina and Bennie had issues once Regina learned about Tasha, but they were able to work things out, and Regina decided to accept Kelvin and Tasha into their lives. Regina, though, is upset anytime Bennie does something significant for Tasha.the upshaws season 4,meet the upshaws cast,bernard upshaw jr,regina upshaw,the upshaws season 3 cast,the upshaws lucretia boyfriend,the upshaws kelvin,cast of the upshaws trey,gabrielle dennis the upshaws,how much is gabrielle dennis worth

However, the only person Tasha has in common with Bennie is Kelvin. They don’t give their relationship much thought, and their son is the only reason Bennie and Tasha ever cross paths. Tasha confesses that she is dating Noah in the third season. They had been getting along great and want to be married. Bennie is concerned because he doesn’t want Kelvin to develop a bond with Noah as his new father and she also says that she wants Kelvin to live with them.

Kelvin says that he wants to live with his father after Bennie and Tasha finally ask him what he wants after much back and forth. In the third and last installment, Tasha departs Kelvin at Bennie’s house. The emphasis of the fourth season changes to Regina’s mental health and how her family manages without her. The rapid turn of events in Lucretia’s life, which also means a significant change for the Upshaws, is another major theme of the plot. All of this leaves no room for Tasha’s tale to be explored, which is maybe why she is absent from Part 4.

Noah, who makes an appearance in an episode that features Kelvin’s basketball game, gives us an update on her. There is no time for Tasha to visit the Upshaw home because Kelvin spends all of his time at Bennie’s. It’s possible that the authors decided it was preferable to leave her out of the narrative than to insert her when it didn’t make sense for her to be there.

Did Gabrielle Denis Leave the Show?

Tasha doesn’t show up in “The Upshaws,” Part 4, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t seen her before. Actress Gabrielle Denis, who is well-known for her parts in “The Black Lady Sketch Show,” “Luke Cage,” and “Insecure,” has not made any public pronouncements about quitting “The Upshaws.” She wasn’t included in the fourth season for no apparent reason. Conflicts with schedules are usually the root of such issues. Denis is a busy man and was most recently featured in “The Big Door Prize” on Apple TV+. It’s possible that she was unable to attend Part 4 of “The Upshaws” due to prior commitments.

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Due to the fact that there was no real development in Tasha’s plot this season, it might possibly have been a creative choice to exclude her from the show. Given everything, we think Denis is still on the show and might make an appearance in upcoming episodes to show us what happens to Tasha.