The CW produced The Winchesters, a prequel to the critically successful television series Supernatural, two years after the show’s finale. The parents of Sam and Dean, John and Mary, are the subject of the new television series. Dean is shown telling the story of how his father met Mary and ultimately decided to become a hunter.
With seven episodes already having aired, the first season of the show is halfway finished. The eighth episode of the show is being anxiously anticipated by fans because it has been a while since the previous one was released. But when will Season 8 of The Winchesters air? Find out by reading on.
The Winchesters Episode 8 Release Date and Time
For the whole month of December, The Winchesters’ eighth episode won’t air. The next installment of the show won’t be seen for a very long time, despite the fact that new episodes air every Tuesday on a weekly schedule.
The program has been suspended for the Christmas and New Year holidays and won’t resume until the end of January 2023. On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, The Winchesters season 1 episode 8 will now air on The CW.
After its return, the show will air at 9 p.m. ET rather than its customary 8 p.m. hour. The newest episode will be accessible on Hulu for fans who want to watch it online. If no further pauses are taken, The Winchesters is scheduled to run for 13 episodes, ending on February 28, 2023.
The Winchesters Episode 8 Preview
The CW has made a preview of the upcoming episode available to fans to assuage their impatient anticipation. In the advertisement, John and his team are getting ready for a hunt. As the two go in for a kiss, Mary is seen saying to John, “I want to be with you.” The teaser also features Samuel Winchester, played by Tom Welling. View the preview down below.
Meg Donnelly plays Mary Campbell, Drake Rodger portrays John Winchester, Nida Khurshid portrays Latika Desai, Jojo Fleites portrays Carlos Cervantez, Demetria McKinney plays Ada Monroe, and Bianca Kajlich plays Millie Winchester on the television program.
What Happened in the Previous Episode?
The midseason finale of the seventh episode had Roxy demanding a trade of the box for Samuel, whom he had held captive. The box is the Ostium, a portal that can drive monsters off the face of reality, according to some notes that Ada discovers that were penned by Henry Winchester.
It is also revealed that other Akrida will perish if the Queen is exiled. Roxy is exiled by Mary and John using Ostium, but other Akrida are unaffected, proving Roxy is not the true Queen. Then Samuel exiles all other Akrida who were attacking. In another incident, John and Mary have a passionate exchange.
The true queen is then located by Akrida’s mind-controlled slaves, who then bring her to the monster’s essences to regain her strength so that she can rule the globe for them.
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