Explained: How To Play The Pulling Man Game That Trended On Tiktok

Both of these are quite dissimilar. The other is a random game that TikTok users are playing to fool other people, while the first is a prospective relationship-based exam that seeks to understand the bond between two individuals. However, a single term is what is making them popular.


In spite of that, let’s rapidly go on to learn everything there is to know about them. After that, you can play the Pulling Man game or the Green Line Test and upload your TikToks around them.


What is the Pulling Man Game going viral on TikTok?

The most recent viral hit on TikTok is the Pulling Man game, which players are using to make comedy and prank films. Project Playables is the studio that made this game. It is available at “projects.playables.net/keys,” which is their official website.

You can go to the website to play a straightforward but enjoyable game. There isn’t much to do, but you will notice an animated white-bodied man in a void. Four keys are held by the man in each of his limbs (arms and legs). Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, you may control these.

Pulling man game tiktok | Pulling man limbs game | Pulling man website

The associated limb will extend and the man will make a sound when you press any key. Others could refer to it as a shout, but you can characterise it as crying or whimpering. According to several users, the man appears to be moaning. This has caused the game to become popular on TikTok.

How to play the Pulling Man Game for TikTok?

Due of the man’s moan-like responses to pushing the keys and stretching his limbs, the Pulling Man game is extremely popular on TikTok. The users were taken aback by this and couldn’t help but laugh. Users of TikTok are merely documenting these reactions.

Simply open a browser on your computer or mobile device and go to this website to start playing it. To stretch the animated man’s arms or legs after visiting, simply press one of the four arrow keys on the keyboard. The awkward sound will thereafter be made by him. After that, you can use it to make your TikTok video.

B Rose, a user, forced her mother to play the Pulling Man game. She flinched a tiny bit when she first heard the sound after the mother had played it. She then started laughing as B Rose created a humorous TikTok.

Lilpxuls.welding, another user, showed off his Pulling Man skills to his fans. It ended up being quite funny. Such entertaining videos are currently popular on TikTok in large numbers.

What is the Green Line Test that TikTok users are talking about?

Another TikTok craze that some are referring to as the “Pulling Man” game is the Green Line Test. The dynamics of any relationship are allegedly defined by this entertaining game. It tells who values their relationship with the other person more and who has more faith in it.

The origin of this trend can be traced back to a user by the handle @alpharivelino, who published a video citing the directions of the green lines they were drawing to determine who the alpha was in each relationship shown.

Two green lines are used in this game for couples. Each line is drawn on a pair of players who are standing side by side. Leaning more in the direction of the other person indicates a greater degree of attachment to that individual.

He has stronger affections for her than she does for him, for instance, if the man’s line is slanted in her direction and the woman’s green line is vertical. The vertical line also shows that she is stronger, more self-reliant, and more certain.

Typically, the women’s line is vertical whereas the men’s line is sloped. As a result, the term “Pulling Man game” was created.

How to take the Green Line Test with your partner?

The Green Line Test is not difficult to complete. Just locate numerous images of a pair and verify that the two bodies are plainly discernible in each. Open them in a picture editor now, and over the posture of each individual, draw a straight green line.

After that, note who is leaning toward the other person and who is sitting or standing straight. You can also write down the results and calculate an average if there are too many images.

Then you’ll be able to tell who is the dominant person in the relationship and who has the most feelings. You can also tell who is mild, dependant, and subordinate. The test results can then be posted on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any other social media site.

Is the Green Line Test correct and accurate?

Users of social media are enthralled by the Green Line Test (Pulling Man Game). However, relationship experts and experts in body language have criticised it as being unfounded and wildly wrong. They don’t seem to understand the logic or science behind it.

The green line body language test is useless, according to body language expert Joe Navarro. Given that humans are extraordinarily complex in their emotional expression and that non-verbal cues are fluid and context-dependent, there is no science to back it up, and it makes no sense logically.

Despite how plausible that may sound, according to mental health and relationships expert Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, the idea is untrue. She asserts that candid photographs are infrequently taken, especially when two celebrities are involved.

According to Janine Driver, another specialist in body language, “every pair I tested ended up demonstrating the test to be correct. Which side should people believe if body language specialists disagree over a social media test like this?

It appears that the Green Line Test is only a passing fad that shouldn’t be taken seriously. It can be used to enjoy fun with friends or a significant other. You don’t need to consider it any further, except from that.