To Your Eternity (Fumetsu no Anata e) is a fantasy adventure anime based on the same-named Japanese manga series by Yoshitoki Ouima. The show is about an unnamed, shape-shifting orb that slowly becomes aware of itself as it changes from non-living things to people while watching everything on Earth. It slowly learns about the complicated ways people interact with each other and the emotional baggage that comes with death and being apart.
The anime, which came out for the first time on April 12, 2021, tells a story of loss, heartbreak, love, and finding oneself that has moved millions of people all over the world. Now that the second episode is over, fans want to know when the series will come back with more episodes. If you are interested in the same thing, we can help you out.
To Your Eternity Season 3 Release Date
The second season of “To Your Eternity” came out on October 23, 2022, and ended its long run on March 12, 2023. There are twenty episodes of the anime, and each one runs for about 25 minutes. Directed by Kiyoko Sayama, the show features talented voice actors like Reiji Kawashima, Aya Uchida, Koyashu Takehito, Manaka Iwami, and Taku Yashiro.
We have good news for fans about the third season of the show. The anime was officially picked up for a third season right after the season 2 finale aired. This shouldn’t be a surprise, since the show has yet to adapt several volumes of the Japanese manga by Yoshitoki Ouima. Even before it was officially confirmed, the show’s high ratings and good reviews almost made it a sure thing that it would be back.
#BREAKING: To Your Eternity Season 3 Anime Officially in the Works
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) March 12, 2023
Throughout its five-month run, the anime has also been on Crunchyroll’s list of the Top 10 Most Popular Anime more than once. The first two parts were each made up of 20 episodes, and it’s likely that the next season will also be split into two parts. In its third episode, the show is likely to focus on the Modern City arc. If nothing unexpected comes up, the third season of “Fumetsu no Anata e,” or “To Your Eternity,” will come out in late 2024.
To Your Eternity Season 3 Plot: What it Can Be About?
As was said above, season 3 of “To Your Eternity” is going to focus on the Modern City arc of the Japanese manga series by Yoshitoki Ouima. Fushi will sleep for 600 years after risking his own life to protect Renril City from the Nokker attack. In the meantime, human society will change and end up with more and better technology. Fushi will feel like he doesn’t need to fight anymore because the new world promises peace, so he gives up his connection to the roots on his own, hoping he’ll never need to use it as a weapon again.
Fushi will also bring back Gugu, March, Bon, and Tonari so that he can live a more meaningful life. But he has no idea that the Nokkers now live off of humans. Even worse, a 12-year-old boy named Satoru meets a girl named Fushi, who changes his life in many ways.
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