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Viking Wolf Ending: Does Liv Find the Werewolf? Where Did The Wolf Come From?

The Norwegian horror thriller film “Viking Wolf” (also known as “Vikingulven”), which is available on Netflix, was directed by Stig Svendsen. By fusing Norse mythology with the werewolf legend, the film investigates it in a tiny Norwegian hamlet. Thale, a teenage boy who recently relocated to a new town, is the main character in it. Thale becomes a crucial witness in the death of a classmate as she seeks to get back in touch with her policewoman mother, Liv Berg. Liv slowly enters the world of the paranormal while looking into the case, and she is forced to make some difficult choices to keep the town safe. What you need to know about the conclusion of “Viking Wolf” if you’re wondering whether Liv discovers the truth and solves the main murder case. Spoilers follow!


Viking Wolf Plot Synopsis

Thale Berg, a teenage girl who recently came to the Norwegian village of Nybo, is the main character of “Viking Wolf.” Liv Berg, a deputy for the local sheriff Eilert, is Thale’s mother. She resides with her non-speaking younger sister, Jenny, and stepfather Arthur. However, due to Liv’s divorce from Thale’s biological father, their relationship is strained. Thale leaves the house unnoticed one evening to see Jonas, a buddy from her new school. Jonas invited Thale to the party, but she is an outsider and is not allowed wolf movie,viking wolf cast,vikings season 6,vikings season 7,vikings season 6 part 2,viking wolf 2022,viking wolf (2021),viking final episode


At the Bay, a nearby body of water, the youngsters throw a party. Elin, a friend of Jonas’ and the Mayor’s daughter, is not pleased with Thale’s arrival. To have a private conversation, she takes Jonas to the woods. After dusk, Thale comes upon them and discovers Jonas and Elin being attacked by an unidentified beast. Before Jonas or Thale can realise what is happening, the creature pulls Elin away as Thale tries to defend her. When Live and Eilert arrive, they question the teenagers.

The cops start looking in the woods after Elin is reported missing. Elin is thought to have been the victim of an animal attack when Liv finds a wolf claw. Soon after, Elin’s body is discovered in the woods, confirming Liv’s fears. Jonas and Thale are also coping with the trauma of Elin’s passing. They are hence attracted to one another. Thale, though, starts having heightened senses and personality changes all of a sudden.

The wolf’s anatomy confuses Liv since she thinks it attacked Elin. A hunter named Lars Brodin pays her a visit and informs her that the animal Liv is looking for is a werewolf. Live, though, doesn’t think Lars is real. Lars offers Liv a silver bullet to use to kill the werewolf before he departs. Liv makes contact with the top veterinary expert in the country, who sends William, his apprentice, to assist with the inquiry. Willaim concludes that the object they are pursuing might be a wolf that has undergone mutation and has scabies.

Eventually, Eilert is attacked by the beast during a hunt Liv and Eilert are conducting in the woods, and he later goes into a coma. However, Liv keeps on hunting and runs into the terrifying werewolf. Liv uses the silver bullet that Lars gave her to kill the werewolf after a brief struggle. William discovers lycanthropy when he studies the creature’s dead body, though. As the animal attacks in Nybo continue, Liv and Willaim are compelled to ask Lars for assistance.

Viking Wolf Ending: Does Liv Find the Werewolf? Where Did it Come From?

In the movie, Lars informs Liv of the existence of werewolves. The werewolf that LARS had been chasing for a few years is later found and killed by Liv. But when Liv and Willaim discover signs of a second werewolf’s arrival, they turn to Lars for assistance. The hunter demonstrates that the werewolf is a natural being. It is a result of human experimentation and animal cross-breeding done in the past to increase their power. Viewers learn about Gudbrand the Grim, a Viking who found a dog from Hell, in the opening crawl of the movie. It seems that Lars is referring to the same beast that is the source of the werewolf wolf movie,viking wolf cast,vikings season 6,vikings season 7,vikings season 6 part 2,viking wolf 2022,viking wolf (2021),viking final episode

To put an end to the destruction the creature has wreaked on the community, Lars argues that they must eradicate its bloodline. He explains that the first werewolf Liv killed during the hunt probably spread the disease to the second werewolf. While spending time with Jonas on a full moon night, Thale undergoes a complete makeover. She does, however, end up killing Jonas and becoming the second werewolf. When Thale attempted to save Elin, she became lycanthropic. Thale makes an effort to keep people at a distance after she turns into a werewolf. She rides the bus but turns on the passengers after her metamorphosis is started.

When Thale gets home, Jenny is still in her werewolf state when she runs into her. Thale is unable to murder Jenny’s sister because she recognises her. Arthur uses an electric charge to subdue the werewolf, enabling him and Jenny to flee. As a result, the movie gives the werewolf legend an intriguing spin. A werewolf story must have romance, but in this instance Thale’s bond with Jonas is never solid enough to keep her during the shift. But despite Jenny’s transformation into a monster, Thale still loves her sister and has a close bond with her.

Did Liv Kill Thale? Is Thale Dead?

Liv and Jenny both identify Thale as the second werewolf at the movie’s climax, most likely because of the creature’s heterochromia. Liv must act quickly to apprehend Thale before she causes harm to anybody else. William suggests that until they can come up with a remedy, Thale should be sedated. Liv is aware, though, that she might have to kill her own daughter. Liv and Willaim hide inside a store after rescuing Jenny from Thale in a local street. Thale, however, nearly attacked them but was injured when Lars struck her with a car. Thale is captured when William shoots her with a dart that contains anaesthetic. But when Lars passes away, Liv is left without a treatment for wolf movie,viking wolf cast,vikings season 6,vikings season 7,vikings season 6 part 2,viking wolf 2022,viking wolf (2021),viking final episode

Liv is ultimately confronted with a difficult decision. To stop the horrific deaths in the village, she must kill her daughter or endanger the lives of the entire community. Liv has one last conversation in the hospital with Thale, who is still a werewolf. Prior to placing a gun to Thale’s chest, Liv apologises to Thale and tells her daughter that she loves her. Although Liv does not appear to shoot Thale, it is clear that she did. The same is clear in the film’s climactic moment, in which Liv places the silver bullet in front of a picture of Thale in her bedroom.

The final scene’s soundtrack is also quite gloomy, and there is no roaring noise to indicate that Thale has passed on. Liv is consequently compelled to murder her own daughter in order to defend the village from the monster Thale unwittingly turned into. One can only pray that Thale was the last of the werewolf’s bloodline and that no one else became infected.

Eilert may have been infected by the werewolf, but Lars murders him in the hospital to stop the development of a new werewolf. So it’s safe to claim that Liv’s death was not in vain and that slaying Thale will safeguard Nybo’s defenceless populace. However, because Liv and her daughter are never able to make amends, the movie closes on an unsatisfying note. Since Liv will always struggle with her unresolved issues with Thale, the town’s safety comes at a personal cost for her, giving the movie a bittersweet finish.