Netflix’s “Killer Book Club” is a Spanish horror mystery film directed by Carlos Alonso Ojea that is based on the same-named book by Carlos Garca Miranda. It tells the story of a group of eight horror-loving friends who decide to play a costume prank on one of their teachers, which leads to a fatal accident and the teacher’s death. The buddies are threatened by an unknown author who appears to know their dark secret and wants to publish it soon after they make a pact of quiet. The mysterious stalker/writer threatens to upload a horror novel based on them, killing one of them for each chapter.
The eight friends struggle to survive despite their mistrust for one another because any one of them could become the killer or the next victim. Veki Velilla, lvaro Mel, Priscilla Delgado, Daniel Grao, and Iván Pellicer all deliver strong performances in the thriller, which was originally titled “El Club de los Lectores Criminales.” The majority of the action takes place on the university campus as the eight friends are pursued by the masked assailant who is determined to learn their secret and kill them. As a result, it may cause some to wonder whether the shooting of “Killer Book Club” actually took place on a university campus. Let’s put an end to your curiosity about the same!
Killer Book Club Filming Locations
The whole production of “Killer Book Club” was shot in Spain, notably in Madrid and Toledo. According to sources, the horror movie’s principal photography started in early February 2022 and ended in March of that same year. Let’s now move through each of the individual locales that are included in the Netflix movie without further ado.