‘The Sopranos,’ a crime drama series starring James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, and Dominic Chianese, is set in New York City. The series, created by David Chase, follows a seasoned mobster whose decades of involvement in the criminal underworld are finally catching up with him. The mob boss reflects on his life choices and attempts to face his concerns in both the personal and professional worlds as he seeks therapy for his mental health. ‘The Sopranos,’ dubbed “the best mob program ever,” is a must-see for fans of action-packed criminal dramas. Let’s discover more about the show’s premise and how to watch it.
What is The Sopranos About?
Tony Soprano is an Italian-American mob boss from New Jersey who has had a tumultuous existence battling with criminals and law authorities. Tony gets help from a doctor as the constant burden of running an illicit business while managing personal commitments wears him down. His worry and anxiety are mostly caused by his mother’s manipulations, his uncle’s diabolical schemes to get rid of him, and the pressure to keep his personal problems out of his profession.
Tony has finally found an outlet for his darkest ideas in therapy, but he must keep the rest of the mob in the dark about it. Tony must steel himself for a world of turmoil as he battles with his fear of death and other misgivings, as people close to him may turn out to be his biggest opponents. Can the gangster strike a balance between his different responsibilities and his fear of death? To discover out, you’ll have to watch the criminal drama, and here are all of your options for watching the popular show.