Explained: Who Betrayed Soma In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

It’s not simple to figure out who the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla traitor is during The Stench of Treachery quest, which is probably why you’re here. It takes a lot of investigation and detective work to solve this mystery in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but if you’ve tried everything and are still unsure about the traitor in The Stench of Treachery or you’re just too lazy to figure it out for yourself, don’t worry. The Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Traitor Guide is here to assist, but beware of quest spoilers.

Aside from identifying the traitor, we also have the following tips for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla:

Who is the traitor in The Stench of Treachery?

Soma’s three closest companions, Birna, Lif, and Galinn, are the three persons you can hold responsible for betraying her. Each of them has a plausible explanation, but only one is the true traitor.

Galinn is the traitor, if you don’t mind temporarily shedding your Sherlock Holmes persona. Soma slits Galinn’s throat in a cutscene after accusing him, but she is eventually grateful that you discovered the traitor. Birna will ask to join your camp at Ravensthorpe because you have the right suspect, and you can then include her in your raiding team.

Questioning each of the three suspects will reveal that Lif had his yellow paint stolen, and you may confirm this for yourself. Drops of yellow paint can be found all the way down the escape tunnel Soma excavated inside the longhouse, all the way to the inlet where the invaders left their boats.

From here, head northwest toward the Fens, where you will ultimately run across some ambushed ships. You can search through the ships to find Galinn’s ship, which, surprise, surprise, has yellow paint on it because Lif scrawled poetry on the sides of each one.

Although I personally thought Galinn seemed the most suspect at first, finding the ships is the most difficult element of this quest. Congratulations if you were able to figure out the entire puzzle on your own, and my condolences if you blamed Birna or Lif!