A hugely popular anime series called Jujutsu Kaisen centres on the life of Itadori Yuji (Junya Enoki), a young boy who accidentally enters the world of curses and jujutsu sorcerers. The show centres on his struggles to put the pieces of the immensely potent curse known as Sukuna back together so that it can be completely and totally destroyed. While doing so, Itadori and his classmates battle excommunicated sorcerers with bad intentions and increasingly potent curses. Jujutsu Kaisen 0, a recent movie, has nothing to do with Itadori. The movie actually starts a year before Itadori ever starts to get entangled with the paranormal. Instead, we follow sixteen-year-old Yuta Okkotsu (Megumi Ogata), who is under a severe curse. We subsequently find that the reason the curse lashes out at everyone who attempts to hurt Yuta is because it was created using the remains of his childhood sweetheart and best friend, Rika Orimoto, who was viciously slain in a car accident. So, during the first season of the anime series, where was Yuta? They do briefly mention the character, in case you missed it. But first, let’s get to know our new lead character better.
The movie begins with a well-known character, Gojo Satoru, offering Yuta entrance to Jujutsu High (Yuiji Nakamura). From there, Yuta trains to become strong enough to handle his own curses, along with his fellow first-year students Maki Zenin (Mikako Komatsu), Toge Inumaki (Ki Uchiyama), and Panda (Tomokazu Seki), who are all old faces from season 1. Yuta aspires to grow strong enough to break the link that has bound him and Rika together for so long. Yuta hopes to lift the curse not merely for their own benefit but also to safeguard others because she has always possessed a great deal of power and has harmed individuals against his will.
While all of this is going on, Suguru Geto, a character who appeared regularly but was hardly discussed in Season 1 of the anime, has additional backstory revealed to us (Takahiro Sakurai). He has the capacity to control evil spirits. He can control their strength to his own will and use the curses however he pleases by defeating and consuming them. He would love nothing more than to claim Rika’s tremendous curse as his own and utilise it to accomplish his own goals. Through the use of jujustsu sorcery, he seeks to bring forth a new evolution of humanity. Suguru sees curses and sorcerers as a kind of human progression, much like Magneto did with mutants. And he wants to bring about that evolution by bringing about a trial by fire. He has decided that either humanity will advance or perish, and he plans to utilise Yuta to harness Rika’s might for his arsenal.