The internet can be a cruel and merciless place. And Bianca Devins, a young person from New York, can attest to this personally. We met even after she passed away.
Devins attended Mohawk Valley Community College after finishing high school with the goal of studying psychology to aid in the treatment of mental disorders.
On July 14, 2019, she was fatally stabbed in Utica after leaving a concert in New York City. International news outlets covered the murderer’s choice to publish horrific photographs of Devins’ lifeless body online.
It was hypothesized that Devins was killed by a cyberstalker.
Prosecutors in Oneida County, however, asserted after their investigation that they believe Devins was killed by a someone she knew.
It was alleged that Devins had a romantic relationship with her killer. I’m Brandon Clark, by the way. Devins, a Lyft passenger, was murdered by a man who was only 21 years old.
After attending a concert by Canadian singer-songwriter Nicole Dollanganger, whose songs frequently discuss sexuality, violence, sexual violence, BDSM, poverty, self-harm, eating disorders, loss, and mental health difficulties, Devins was murdered by Clark.
Rip To My friend Bianca Devins I miss her Bianca Devins Your music were always be in my heart God bless you Bianca Devins.
— Shavel The god (@GodShavel24308) August 29, 2023
Bianca Devins and Brandon Clark’s Relationship
Beginning in 2019, Bianca Devins and Brandon Clark established their first online connection. At first, they only exchanged messages online, but later they began meeting in person.
Back then, Clark attended Devins’ graduation party. Although they bonded quickly, Devins also saw that Clark “wanted more” than just friendship.
Clark routinely referred to himself as Devins’ boyfriend, despite Devins’ objections.
Devins was frequently mentioned in Clark’s internet history, indicating his fascination with her. She was found online, Clark followed her on social media, and some of her pictures were downloaded.
How did Mudere Clerk And Devine Bacgroun cause this?
Clark was reared by an abusive father and was seen stalking Devin.
Clark once resided in a state foster home. But Devins’ mother thought Clark was “charming” and “polite.”
Devins also comes from a really depressing upbringing. She reportedly suffered from PTSD, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, and despair. This was brought on by her father’s anxiety.
She turned to online chat rooms and social groups for solace. She invested a lot of time in online forums like 4chan and Discord.
How did Clerk Killed Devins? Whole Situation Details
Devins reportedly disclosed to a mental health professional that she had fantasized about injuring herself by jumping off a roof.
On their way to a concert together, Devins and Clark stumbled into Alex, a mutual friend.
After using marijuana in Clark’s car, they made their way to Dollanganger’s event. At that time, Devins and Alex shared a kiss, which Clark saw. This infuriated Clark.
Devins slept in the backseat as Clark drove home after the performance. Devins and Alex shared a kiss, and Clark was envious and sought to question her about it. Devins apologized but clarified that they were not in a monogamous relationship.
In his fit of wrath, Clark rushed Devins and stabbed her neck numerous times with a knife he had tucked under his seat.
Devins was immediately shot and died.
On the messaging platform Discord, Clark posted pictures of the victim’s body after the murder. Clark posted them with the following message: “To all the male Devins platform followers:
You’ll have to circle someone else, you fools; sorry.”
The video was posted by Clark on Discord, but it quickly gained popularity on other online forums and social media platforms, including Instagram, where the hashtag #RIPBianca was used. The murder incident’s camera footage quickly became popular online.
After a guy allegedly threatened to kill himself and kill others on social media, Oneida County Dispatch rapidly received several calls.
The Utica Police Department conducted a thorough search for the two as Clark called 911 and made accusatory statements. Clark was suicidal, according to the complaints the police had gotten.
I’m not going to stay on the phone for very long because I still need to complete the suicide portion of the murder-suicide, he added. “My name is Brandon, the victim is Bianca Michelle Devins.
When it was discovered that the claim had originated on Poe St. in Utica, officers were dispatched to the forested area.
The police discovered an unconscious man on the ground next to a black SUV that was parked in the quiet area. A teenager is charged with killing his neighbor and posting it as a TikTok video.
He instructed the officers to search under the tarp when they cautiously walked up to him and inquired about the location of the woman.
They observed a colourful tarp nearby when they were standing next to an SUV. The police were alarmed when they noticed brown hair poking out from under the tarp.
Devins had suffered severe neck injuries, and when the officers peered underneath the sheet, they saw that she had almost been beheaded.
Police concentrated on the area covered by the tarp as Clark pulled out his phone after verifying the person was not armed. He may have done this while posing for photos with Devins’s dead body.
The caption for the picture was originally “I’m sorry Bianca,” but it has subsequently been changed.
Then, before the cops could act, the man started using a knife to stab himself in the neck.
The immediate response team who transported him to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital saved his life. Clark’s life was spared following an urgent procedure.
At first, the police assumed that Clark’s rage was motivated by envy. Authorities discovered duct tape, knives, rope, and other items during his arrest, proving Clark intended to kill her.
Authorities also discovered a suicide note at the home of his relative.
Authorities found another message next to Devins’ body that said, “May you never forget me.”
Why he Killed Bianca Devins? Investigation
According to investigator Peter Paladino, Clark allegedly killed Devins to distinguish himself from the other “beta orbiters.”
Clark has given “different reasons why he did what he did” to “different people in his life,” according to Sarah DeMellier, assistant district attorney in Oneida County.
The encounter could give the murderer a sense of power. The murderer may become more masculine due to his increased social standing because he is a male.
Brandon Clark, a murder suspect, might spend the rest of his life in prison after pleading first not guilty on July 29, 2019.
The “COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak” has caused a significant delay in the sentencing procedure.
Clark formally asked to have his guilty plea removed on June 2, 2020. Clark informed the judge that he had investigated the law and evaluated his case independently. If Clark had a bad experience with his first lawyer, he might get a new one.
New York state courts have once more imposed limitations on required in-person court attendance as confirmed coronavirus infections surge across the country.
The COVID-19 outbreak has caused Brandon A. Clark’s resentencing hearing in Utica to be postponed a second time.
Clark’s Browsing History, Family Statement
Devins’ mother blasted the prosecution for portraying her son as a “manipulative monster” after it was discovered that Clark’s browsing history included inquiries about where to locate the carotid artery, the artery that arises directly from the aorta and carries oxygen-rich blood to the brain via the neck.
People commonly looked up how to hang and choke someone as a way to render them unconscious or murder them.
Clark’s mother is certain that her son had the desire to murder her daughter from the beginning.
The Brindisi and Devins families passed “Bianca’s law” on September 21, 2020.
The family has proposed legislation that would compel all social media sites with more than $10 million in revenue and more than 100,000 monthly users to create a department specifically tasked with identifying and removing violent content that violates moderation guidelines.
Despite pleading not guilty, Clark allegedly apologized to the judge.
As much as I want to, Clark replied, “I guess I need to accept what I did I can’t reverse… I’m sorry to all of her friends and loved ones. I apologise to everyone who was harmed by this and to anyone who had to see that horrible photo of her. I am aware that saying sorry is insufficient and won’t undo what I done. I wish I could contribute more.
On July 19, 2019, Bianca Devins, who had just turned 17 at the time of her death, was laid to rest.
Brandon Clark will complete his term on March 16, 2021, while wearing an orange prison uniform.
Bianca Devins’ cruel killer, Clark, was sentenced to life in prison in March 2021 and is presently being housed there in the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York.
Brandon will only be qualified for parole as of July 10, 2044.
Clark, a native of Cicero, appeared in court a year after pleading guilty to second-degree murder.
I hate myself because of what I did to her. In Utica’s courtroom, he said to himself, “I loathe myself for what I did, and I don’t know how I could have done anything like that. I sincerely apologize for the trouble I’ve created. I really regret subjecting Bianca to this.
Members of Devins’ relatives spoke before Clerk was sentenced
Olivia, Bianca’s sister who gave evidence in court, is likewise 17 years old.
She claimed that she was forced to delete her social media accounts because she kept coming across pictures of her sister in terrible situations that had been published by random people.
Olivia sobbed and said, “Many random people went on my page and set their profile picture as my sister’s death photo knowing I would, without a doubt, see it.”
“The picture is still being sent to me today, but I have deleted all of my social media accounts,” the person wrote.
After the death of her sister, Olivia developed a dread of meeting new people and started having horrible, vivid nightmares.
We are apprehensive and cautious when going out in public. Frank Williams, Bianca’s grandfather, said, “Our deepest thoughts are with Bianca, our angel, who has given so much love to this family, to her friends, and the legacy she is going to give to us forever.” All of the family’s young children are watched over closely by all of us.
If Clark were to apply for parole, Williams reassured him that his family would speak up for Bianca before the parole board: “You can be sure that our family will represent Bianca and will ask the reviewing board to consider.”
Kimberly, her mother, feels that her daughter was deprived of a promising future. She had therefore initially called for Clark to be imprisoned “for the rest of his life.”
She humbly asked the court to ensure that Brandon Clark stays behind bars for the remainder of his life, saying that we want to put the crime that claimed our beautiful angel to rest.
The most distressing thing for her is that her child won’t offer her hugs, kisses, or “I love yous” anymore.
She went on to remark that the family had been waiting for the sentence for a very long time.
It was anticipated that this case would be fully resolved after Clark was found guilty.
Pornographic Video Released By Police Department
But not entirely; in 2021, the district attorney’s office in upstate New York was accused of disseminating Bianca Devins’ recordings.
The tapes were made public despite the fact that they contained child pornography (Devins was under 18 at the time) and a video of her death, which is against federal law.
A lawsuit filed on July 15, 2021 asserts this.
In order to capture their sexual encounter and his subsequent cutting of Bianca Devins’ neck while she begged for her life, Brandon Clark planted a camera in his car, which was later discovered.
The mother of Devins apparently received assurances from two Oneida prosecutors that the videos wouldn’t be made public. But according to the lawsuit, the mother then learned, to her “horror,” that the office had shared the tapes with CBS 48 Hours, A&E, a friend of Clark’s who has a well-known YouTube channel, as well as maybe MTV and Peacock TV.
The lawsuit claims that the office aggravated the situation by disclosing pictures of Bianca Devins in her underwear that were discovered on her phone after it was seized at the crime scene.
The lawsuit asserted that when questioned, Assistant District Attorneys Sarah DeMellier and Michael Nolan acknowledged the DA’s office had transmitted the content. Kimberly was devastated to learn that her daughter’s murder and sex tapes had been made public.
She described the murder of her child as her “worst nightmare,” and she claimed that the tragedy kept reoccurring like a terrifying movie.
Despite the fact that the family had regularly been exposed to the murderer’s posts, Bianca’s mother complained that the District Attorney’s Office (DA’s Office) was engaging in child pornography as if her daughter had no right to privacy.
The victim’s father claimed: “The DA’s office has been reckless and casual with who they provide my daughter’s private images and last living moments with; meanwhile, they refuse to let her own family see the evidence.”
The police are refusing to release the photos and video because they are evidence in a criminal case and the risk of harm outweighs the public’s demand for access.
When the Devins family questioned the office about it, they said that since Bianca was 17 years old when she was killed, they had every right to disseminate her lewd pictures and sex tapes.
In the case, it is said that “Kimberly and her counsel specified federal child pornography laws apply to depictions of children under the age of 18 and also notwithstanding the law that Bianca, even in her death, had a right to sexual privacy.”
The defendants were accused in the lawsuit of “unconscionable dissemination of snuff and child pornography of a 17-year-old murder victim.”
The lawsuit asserts that although though only kids under the age of 17 would be harmed by the images and videos of Devins being circulated under New York State law, they should be regarded as child pornography under federal law.
The district attorney’s office must stop sharing Devins’ images and videos, a jury trial is required, and each piece of evidence in the case must cost $150,000.
The family members suffer from “psychological terrorism,” which causes mental suffering, in addition to physical crime.
The New York State Assembly enacted a statute similar to Bianca’s in January 2022.
This proposed legislation would make it unlawful to post, share, or publish private images of a crime victim in an effort to degrade or abuse that person and inflict emotional, monetary, or physical harm to them or their loved ones.
According to a member of the Assembly, the law will impose both criminal and civil penalties for the dissemination of personal pictures.