Karan Soni, Dopinder From Deadpool Plans To Make A Gay Rom Com With His Partner Roshan Sethi

In the 2016 film Deadpool, Karan Soni played Dopinder, an amiable taxi driver with whom Ryan Reynolds’ Wade Wilson occasionally has pleasant interactions in between his anti-hero exploits. We think Soni will be in Deadpool 3 because he played a bigger part in the Deadpool movie from 2018. Aside from that, the humorous actor has been cast in a variety of projects, including TBS’ Miracle Workers and Detective Pikachu. He is currently preparing to appear in a romantic comedy that he and his partner, Roshan Sethi, co-wrote.


An further romantic comedy that depicts actual Indian arranged weddings and immigrant experiences that Soni and Sethi could both connect to in their own lives is their independent film 7 Days, on which they just worked together for the first time. The two discussed their upcoming projects when they chatted with CinemaBlend for 7 Days. As Sethi put it:


We’re going to make a homosexual rom-com the next year because Karan will play the lead role, and I’ll be the director.

A co-creator of the popular Fox medical drama The Resident, Roshan Sethi most recently collaborated on the film 7 Days with Karan Soni, with whom he has been dating for three years. Soni plays the straight-laced Indian-American character Ravi in the latest romantic comedy. On the day that the world shuts down due to COVID-19, Ravi goes on a date with Rita from an online dating site for arranged marriages played by Geraldine Viswanathan.

Rita and Ravi wind up sharing a quarantine week (not by choice). Despite the fact that they are such opposites, their connection develops into something lasting. They will likely collaborate once more soon after being motivated to do so by a delightful 2022 film release. In our discussion, Karan Soni provided some information regarding the unnamed project:

We do [have a co-lead in mind], but it’s not official yet. We’re currently working on getting the funding and such, but we anticipate it happening the next year, which excites us much.

While the number of LGBTQ+ romantic comedies has increased recently, it’s uncommon to see a real couple working on one together, making Karan Soni and Roshan Sethi’s news all the more intriguing. Soni will play the lead role in the project, but it is still up in the air who he will work with. We also wonder what will be the subject this time.

When I spoke to the couple, they revealed that the dynamic of their relationship in 7 Days was partly based on their own, with the exception that the characters in the current romantic comedy were more intense. It’s wonderful to see more lesbian love stories in the media, and soon, due to Billy Eichner, we’ll have our first studio rom-com featuring “all openly LGBTQ+ actors,” including in the straight roles. On CinemaBlend, we’ll keep you informed about these projects.