The Wild World Of John McAfee – Is John Dead Or Alive? Why Did He Want To Document His Life?

The autobiography “Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee” tells the tale of a man who viewed himself as a chaos agent. McAfee claimed that he was frequently compared to the Joker. McAfee prospered in disorder. The fact that his life had become so chaotic and erratic didn’t disturb him. Although he was running, he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. McAfee loves drama, much like the “Joker” persona.


McAfee viewed his life as a classic Hollywood movie in which he was the hero and could accomplish anything. He had this idea that unless he wanted to be captured, no one could catch him. Even as he was fleeing, John never concealed his identify. He would loudly and proudly announce in his deep voice that he was John McAfee and that anyone interested in learning more about him could google him. John was a narcissist as well as being emotionally upset, which is why he never had much trouble moving on in life. Whether he destroyed people’s lives or not is up for debate, but there is no denying that he had a profound effect on everyone who crossed his path. Charlie Russell’s documentary “Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee” explores the interesting biography of the man who founded McAfee Anti-Virus Software.


Why Did John McAfee Want To Document His Life?

All of a sudden, John McAfee vanished and went into hiding. He was sought after by the Belizean police because they believed he had killed his Florida-born neighbour, Gregory Faull. The first reporter to cover the story for Channel 5 was Jose Sanchez. He believed that John was capable of committing the crime and that it was very likely that he had done so. A few days prior to his death, Faull had complained to the police about John McAfee. John was nowhere to be located when the police went to question him in his Ambergris Caye estate. John had asked Vice Media to videotape him while he was evading capture. The crew found the request strange and couldn’t fathom why he would want to do that. The media outlet, however, then had the chance to obtain the exclusive footage that the whole country was clamouring for. Reporter Rocco Castoro and photographer Robert King travelled to Belize to track the movements of a possible runaway. When they first met John, they thought he was incredibly strange but also quite fascinating. Here was a man who had sold his business to Intel for almost $7 billion, who had worked for NASA, who had once been dubbed the Silicon Valley’s golden kid, and now he was acting like a man in a mental institution. John McAfee was engaging in all kinds of bizarre behaviour. You were never able to comprehend what was going through his mind. According to John, he was being pursued by the police. The government, intelligence services, and even the Sinaloa drug gang were after him, he claimed to the reporters. He claimed to have created software that allowed him to monitor the cell phones of officials in the Belizean government. He claimed to be aware of information that made him a touchy issue for the government apparatus. They intended to imprison him for this reason.

The most intriguing aspect of John was his belief that he was a cross between Scarface and James Bond with a dash of Indiana Jones thrown in. John drove the journalists to a luxurious resort near the Guatemalan border. John used to use his covert sources to gather information. When he learned that the authorities were aware of his movements, he decided to travel by water to Livingston, Guatemala. Clearly agitated, the customs official took all of the passports, taking into account that they had entered the country unlawfully. Sam Herrera, John’s girlfriend, had a relative who served as Guatemala’s attorney general in the past. The reporters asked Vice HQ to snap a screenshot and post it after receiving a photo of John from them. They did so because they didn’t want the government to target the geodata and find out where they were using GPS. Their covert position was revealed. Because the media had uploaded the actual image online, the police were aware of John McAfee’s hiding place. The group was escaping once more. John met Sam’s uncle. He asked him to find a way to get passport stamps for them so that they wouldn’t be seen as illegal immigrants. The issue was that John wanted to put on a show while he was fleeing. He wore a suit, cleaned himself up, and gave interviews to the media. The “Federales,” or the special forces, showed up to the Four Seasons hotel where John and his team were staying the next thing you knew.

Although John was in a difficult predicament after being hauled away by the authorities, the man had such boldness that nothing could stop him from talking to the media and making a splash. When Rocco Castoro called Robert King, he informed him that all of their belongings had likely been taken by the same special agents who had taken John. John was still being held by the special forces when he suddenly suffered a heart attack, just like in a classic Hollywood escape sequence. He was taken right away to a medical facility. He was able to shift himself to the United States of America in some way. We still don’t know how he managed that. It’s also unclear whether he genuinely had a heart attack or whether he made everything up. The tech wizard had, however, already arrived in Miami. Rocco questioned John once more, pressing the crucial query: Did he murder his neighbour? To make matters worse, John hung up on him, and Vice chose not to publish the tale. The media accused the reporters of assisting a runaway and working with him.

Every action was intended to be sensationalised by John McAfee. He wanted his posh way of life to inspire others. He claimed that every piece of content he sent to the Vice crew was absolute gold. Because people are naturally curious about what is happening in other people’s lives, particularly in the lives of somebody like John McAfee, who felt himself to be no less than a celebrity, he was confident that it would sell in the market like anything. Over the years, he had been a hot topic of conversation. He did it mostly for egotistical self-gratification. He was a self-centered individual who yearned to be in the spotlight. When his name appeared in the news, he enjoyed it. He yearned for notice. He ran for president in 2016 as a Libertarian because he was so adamant about maintaining the status quo. But the man was now having a lot of problems as a result of his own narcissism.

Did John McAfee Kill His Neighbor?

John McAfee got in touch with a ghostwriter named Alex Cody Foster. He asked Alex to pen his tale. The cinematographer, Robert King, was approached once more in January 2019. The IRS was after John McAfee, so he was on the run. He had the peculiar need to be observed as he moved throughout the world as a wanted man. He said that he hadn’t paid taxes in ten years and didn’t have any immediate plans to do so. He claims that the government was stalking him and that his attorney had recommended him to file a complaint. But John wasn’t used to doing things that way. He intended to escape and launch a cyberattack against the entire system, exposing the data to the general public. John took out as much cash as he could, bought a wig that could not have been more false, even though he believed he was the master of disguise, boarded his yacht called “The Great Mystery,” and sailed away from American soil. He travelled to the Bahamas, but the authorities wouldn’t let him enter without proper inspection because he lacked the necessary papers and had a large amount of ammo on board. Therefore, John once more departed the coasts in search of a location that would provide him with safety.

Janice was the name of John’s new wife. John had become fond of her while working as a sex worker. John provided Janice with a way out of her sad situation. On the yacht, there was an abundance of liquor, drugs, weapons, and cash. Drug use had begun to affect John’s mental health because he was continually high. Most of the time, he lived in constant fear of being pursued by the law or the mob. When John McAfee arrived in the Dominican Republic, the police detained him. After they were eventually freed, John entered Europe with his British passport. He was having a great time in Spain when he was detained by the police, who then began the process of extraditing him to the US. John McAfee was discovered dead in his Barcelona prison cell on June 23, 2021, and the authorities determined that he had committed suicide.

First off, it was never confirmed whether John had truly slain Greg Faull, his neighbour, in Belize. The dogs of John caused Greg some problems. Despite how strange it may sound, the man possessed a parrot that he was unable to leave unattended for fear that the dogs would kill it. The next day, a few dogs did pass away, and John assumed that his cruel neighbour was to blame because he had threatened to poison them if he didn’t control his dogs. Alex claimed that John had no problem killing someone. John may have had a questionable past. His mother and he were the victims of domestic violence from his father.

It was reported one day that his father had killed himself, but the information was likely incomplete. In one of the tapes, McAfree confesses to being tortured to the point that he felt compelled to take action. Alex hears this. He made it abundantly evident by the way he said that that he was responsible for his father’s demise. Alex concocted a theory. He revealed to Jimmy, John’s executive advisor, his suspicion that John had killed his father. Jimmy’s response dispelled any questions. How did he know that, he enquired. Jimmy had been informed by John that he had murdered his father while fabricating a suicide. Therefore, if a guy was capable of killing his own father, he was also capable of killing a bothersome neighbour.

‘Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee’ Explained – Is John Dead Or Alive?

John McAfee frequently warned that he might be murdered in jail. Everyone who cared for John was aware that he couldn’t be killed by someone like John. They were aware that the government was involved in the situation. We learn in a startling discovery at the end of the programme that John may still be alive. After the news of his passing had travelled like wildfire across nations, he had gotten in touch with his ex-girlfriend. When Sam Herrera received a call from Texas, she recognised the caller as John. He claimed that he had paid the authorities to make it appear as though he had passed away, but in actuality, he had managed to get out of the Barcelona prison and returned to the United States of America. Only three persons in the world, according to him, were aware of it. Sam was asked to flee with him. We’re confused by Sam’s revelation. Given that it is John McAfee, a person whose motivations are so bizarre that you cannot predict what he is up to next, we are unsure of what to believe in.

The distinction between fact and fantasy was frequently blurred when it came to John and his life. John liked having control over the story, so perhaps this time was no different. He was a “great manipulator,” as Alex put it, who had such an effect on people that they were persuaded by what he had to say. The video ends on a thrilling cliffhanger, and perhaps the world will never learn the full details of what transpired in that cramped cell in Barcelona. However, given the man’s notoriety, if he is still alive, it wouldn’t take him long to make the announcement in front of everyone. In addition to keeping you on the edge of your seat, “Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee” also gives you access to an entertaining personality.

Charlie Russell is the director of the 2022 crime documentary “Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee.”