The South Korean comedy-drama series “Behind Your Touch” on Netflix centres on a talented person with unusual psychometric abilities. The story, which is set in the little town of Mujin, Chungcheong-do, centres on Bong Ye-bun, a veterinarian who struggles to find cats and dogs, her ideal patients. Bong Ye-bun somehow has the power to perceive past and future occurrences by touching people or animals on their hips. The two start out on the wrong foot after Moon Jang-yeol, a Violent Crimes Detective, moves to Ye-bun’s town. Ye-bun uses her abilities to assist the detective in solving murders across the area, and as their paths cross more frequently, the two grow closer.
With endearing human interactions at its core, the series offers a comic journey through the process of investigating crimes. Although Ye-bun’s remarkable powers serve as a key component of the story’s fantastical element, the people and the surroundings give the narrative a realistic feel. How much of that realism, though, is actually grounded in reality? Here is everything we know about “Behind Your Touch” and how it relates to reality in case you share our curiosity.
Is Behind Your Touch a True Story?
‘Behind Your Touch’ is not based on a factual story, sorry. Lee Nam-gyu, Oh Bo-hyeon, and Kim Da-hee wrote the fiction for the TV show, and Kim Seok-yoon and Choi Bo-yoon respectively directed a number of the episodes. The odd talents of the lead character Ye-Bun firmly distinguish the programme as a fantastical work of fiction, yet the plot’s setting and general tone keep it feeling modern. The show therefore uses a variety of realistic people to develop a gripping and sympathetic tale.
Let’s start with Ye-bun, whose persona depicts an aspiring perfectionist with a number of familial problems. Despite the fact that her journey essentially begins up where tragedy left off, the story lets her character grow without letting her mother’s suicide define who she is. Ye-bun’s character is endowed with a variety of eccentricities and characteristics that make her appealing to a wider audience. A true picture of her character is painted by her initial freakout and subsequent ignorance of her powers.
In terms of the supporting cast, Moon Jang-yeol, a brash police officer, and Kim Sun-woo, a sympathetic convenience store employee, take up a lot of room as Ye-bun’s potential love interests. Ye-bun and Jang-yeol represent the traditional “enemies-to-lovers” dynamic that drama fans have long admired in romantic comedy series like “Love to Hate You” and “Touch Your Heart.” Several Hollywood films, like the classic period drama “Pride and Prejudice” and the cult favourite “Palm Springs,” have used the cliché to support their love storylines.
Kim Sun-woo’s character, on the other hand, offers a pleasant banal touch with his comforting and kind presence. Kim Jun-myeon, also known by his stage name Suho, is a member of the boy band EXO. Before playing his part, he performed some research on convenience stores to put himself in the position of his character. In contrast to my initial demeanour, my character is much slower and slower-paced. I made an effort to speak, walk, and even move a little more slowly. I put it all into practise.
“My protagonist is a person who works near convenience stores. I made a sort of tour of various convenience stores. Despite the fact that they are all largely the same, Suho remarked in an interview with the Hindustan Times, “I attempted to go here and check how the cashier functioned and stuff like that. Actors Ji-min and Min-ki did the same to make their characters come to life by adding their own unique, real-world touches. For instance, in order to create a realistic image for his brash police officer persona, the latter had to somewhat change his physical appearance by bulking up.
The overall relatable story of the series is shaped by these tiny attentions to detail. The people and settings so help establish the story’s realistic features, even while the series’ outrageous premise makes it obvious that it has little in common with reality. However, there is no analogy to real individuals or events in the show.