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What Are Chin Dimples? Understanding the Upset Surrounding this Facial Feature

After learning the unpleasant reality about chin dimples, many are becoming extremely irate.

While some people dislike having dimples on certain portions of their body, others think they are charming and beautiful.

Actor Henry Cavill, who was recently named the most attractive face of 2022, actually has one.

Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, who was born without a chin dimple, had one surgically added.

However, after learning the reality about the uncommon genetic condition, people are shocked.

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Hank Green, a science enthusiast and YouTuber, tried to explain what chin dimples are, and to be honest, most people wish he hadn’t bothered. That’s when it all began.

Green disclosed the truth after a TikTok user messed with his face and questioned, “What is this thing?” while pointing at a dimple on his chin.

He clarified that the mentalis muscle, which causes chin dimples, is responsible.

He continues, “It’s in your chin and it’s quite odd. “You’ve accurately identified a peculiar muscle. Good work.

Green, though, won’t stop there. “Almost every muscle in your body connects a bone to another bone,” he explains.

“You move by pulling on your bones, that’s how you do it.

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Other muscles, such as sphincters, simply pull on themselves.

The heart is a completely distinct type of muscle since it pulls on itself to pump your blood.

You might be wondering why folks are so outraged right about now, but there’s more.

Green continued, “We have a number of muscles in our faces that are not connected to any other bones.

“I’m sure you can tell, right? We’re not pulling out bones with all the motion that faces make or the ability to speak or emote or anything like that. We are pulling on the skin.

Prepare yourself for the unpleasant part now.

how to get rid of chin dimples upset people,chin dimples upset people meaning,chin dimples upset people reddit,chin dimples upset peopleThe scientist went on to explain that the mentalis muscle connects from bone to skin, which is why when you scrunch up or flex it, dimples appear on your face.

He showed a horrifying image of the muscle emerging from the skull and stated, “You can see the mentalis here, doing an absolutely wild thing, sticking all of its little muscle fibres into your skin.”

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Hank Green gave TikTok followers an explanation of why humans have chin dimples. Credit: TikTok @hankgreen
“That muscle yanks when you contract it. The skin is pulled and develops those little dimples as a result.

It’s a little strange, he says in conclusion. All of us are composed of meat.

It didn’t take long for individuals to express their amazement and contempt in Green’s comment area.

Many claimed that if they hadn’t discovered it sooner, they may have lived happily ever after in blissful ignorance.

One horrified user comments: “Thanks! Never bring up this topic again.

Another grumbles, “This is making me sick.”

An emotional third responds, “I am so upset that I now know this information.”

A fourth said, “I’m sorry, but I REALLY detest knowing this and it’s going to bother me for a long time.

Though one person gave the revelation a good spin, not everyone was as surprised.

They questioned, “So what I’m hearing is that we all have an invisible sole patch?”