Showtime’s comedy-drama series “Dreaming Whilst Black” centres on Kwabena, a young aspirant filmmaker who feels stuck in his recruitment job. The show is based on the same-titled UK web series. His mother wants him to be an accountant, which would just make it worse. He eventually gets the chance of his dreams—that is, to follow his goals of becoming a filmmaker—despite all these obstacles. Will he have the courage to give up his meaningless career in favour of his amorous goals?
In the comedy show, which was created by Adjani Salmon, Max Evans, Natasha Jatania, and Laura Seixas, Salmon plays Kwabena, a character who finds it difficult to strike a balance between his extravagant fantasy and the harsh reality of life. Dani Moseley, Alexander Owen, Babirye Bukilwa, and Tom Stourton, who play supporting roles alongside him, enhance the storyline with their captivating on-screen personas. A number of scenes have intriguing backdrops, leaving viewers to wonder where “Dreaming Whilst Black” was shot.
Dreaming Whilst Black Filming Locations
England is the location of “Dreaming While Black” filming, primarily in London and Watford. Principal photography for the first version, according to reports, began in October 2022 and continued for several months. You may want to know the “where” in great detail now that you are aware of the “when.” If so, these are every single place that appears in the Showtime series!
London, England
“Dreaming While Black” was filmed in London and the surrounding surroundings for a sizable portion. The production crew reportedly travels the busy capital, setting up shop in various streets and neighbourhoods to film key scenes against appropriate backgrounds. Although the majority of the interior scenes are recorded within real-world locations, it’s very possible that some were recorded on one or more of the sound stages of one of the many film studios in and around London, including Pinewood Studios, Camberwell Film Studios, Kennington Film Studios, and Elstree Studios.
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Adjani Salmon, the co-creator and star of the show, was questioned about his experience filming it and if he had any favourite moments in an interview he did with British Comedy Guide in early August 2023. In response, he said, “We had a great cast and crew, so they made it enjoyable. Filming the series was challenging.” Strangely enough, the more dramatic scenes are my favourites since they truly made us push ourselves. Some of my favourite parts of Episode 4 were the dramatic scenes.
Watford, England
Watford, a town and municipality in Hertfordshire, England, is also the location of filming several significant sequences for “Dreaming Whilst Black.” It was said that Catherine Myers, the location manager, was looking for many family homes to use for key interior scenes involving the main protagonists. They appear to live in Watford in semi-detached or detached homes with vibrant interior design and patterns. You can probably see some of the city’s landmarks in the background of the exterior photos, such as Market Street, Holy Rood Church, Watford Town Hall, Watford Colosseum, Watford Palace Theatre, and Watford Museum.
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