“Rustin,” a drama-documentary film from Netflix, is a true original, combining elements of suspense, haunting, encouragement, and unquestionable necessity. It is directed by George C. Wolfe. This is due to the fact that it thoroughly examines the story of civil rights, nonviolent protestor, and LGBT rights advocate Bayard Rustin as he devoted his life to bringing complete equality to the forefront. If we are being completely honest, though, Elias Taylor was the one who ultimately managed to come across as the story’s most elaborately nuanced character. For those of you who just want to know more about him, here’s what we know.
Elias Taylor is a Fictional Character Sprinkled With Realism
Elias, an Alabama-born field organiser for the civil rights movement, won over everyone with his tough-guy demeanour from the first minute he stepped in front of the camera. But what really touched people was his even more direct private meeting with Bayard a short while later, in which he not only supported the campaigner but made it apparent that, despite being married, he was interested in more than just a professional relationship. He couldn’t deny his reality and desires, even though he had a church ready for him after his pastor father-in-law retired, six close siblings, two loving parents, and a strong-willed wife.
Netflix/David Lee image credit
Put differently, Elias was a gay man living in secret who later had a passionate relationship with the openly gay Bayard while the latter was planning the 1963 March on Washington. However, the reality is that Elias never truly lived. This activist had relationships with a number of guys before things ended because they needed their privacy, but Elias was never actually there in his life. Therefore, this fictional character is merely a mix of all these loves to highlight the struggles that LGBT people faced in the 1950s and 1960s, particularly those who were of colour and religious minorities.