Netflix’s “Cigarette Girl,” formerly known as “Gadis Kretek,” is an Indonesian historical romance drama series with two distinct timelines that is based on the eponymous book by Ratih Kumala. The chronology from the 1960s presents us to Dasiyah, a gifted woman and the offspring of a family company that manufactures the well-known clove cigarettes in Indonesia. She is driven to create the ideal recipes for clove cigarettes, but she finds it difficult to have an impact in the predominantly male society and business.
The lives of the talented craftsman and Soeraja, his estranged son who is looking for a mystery woman to grant his father’s final desire, are shaped by their romantic involvement. Arum and Lebas, the son of Soeraja, cross paths in the 2000s, several decades later. Together, they travel back in time to reveal some long-forgotten mysteries. Indonesia is the setting for this period drama series, which centres on the country’s tobacco industry and stars Dian Sastrowardoyo, Ario Bayu, Putri Marino, Arya Saloka, and Sheila Dara in powerful and captivating performances.
Where is Cigarette Girl Filmed?
The whole movie “Cigarette Girl” was shot in Indonesia, mostly in Jakarta, Central Java, and other locations around the nation. It appears that the main photography for the love series’ first season began in the summer of 2022 and went on for a few more months, ending in October of the same year.