What Fans Can Expect From Season 2 Of House Of Dragons. Plot Explored

The House of the Dragon season one finale saw the beginning of the Targaryen civil war. The two-year conflict between the Blacks and the Greens that follows will result in the deaths of numerous Targaryens and dragons. The Dance of the Dragons was clearly established in the season one finale, and season two will continue the storyline in which we learn who will occupy the Iron Throne when this civil war is over. You may learn about House of the Dragon season 2 and future episodes in this article.


Forget about the diplomacy: The war is on

Even though Rhaenyra was the only character to show restraint in the final episode of the first season regarding the conflict with the Greens, a diplomatic resolution was ruled out as soon as Aemond and his dragon Vhagar killed Prince Lucerys Velaryon. Even though Rhaenyra had planned to think about a diplomatic solution and attempt to make peace with Hightowers in light of the death of her son, it is safe to say that it is no longer an option.


Rhaenyra was shocked, saddened, and enraged all at once as Daemon revealed what had occurred to Lucerys. We then got to see the expression in her eyes. It was the exact expression Daenerys Targaryen wore just before deciding to attack Kings Landing in Game of Thrones. Therefore, one thing is for certain: war is coming soon. Along with Daemon, who will prioritise retaliation, Rhaenyra feels angry and hurt.

Daemon, White Worm, and Blood and Cheese commit an assassination

Speaking of Daemon’s vengeance, following Lucerys’s passing, Daemon will probably reach the height of his rage and turn to Mysaria for assistance in attacking the Greens. Daemon is anticipated to team up with the White Worm, who is still alive and lived through the fire that was intended to kill her.

Daemon will receive assistance from Mysaria, who will also hire Blood and Cheese. While Cheese is a skilled ratcatcher and adept at navigating the Red Keep via the hidden tunnels within the castle, Blood is a skilled butcher. They will be tasked with breaking into the castle and killing one of Haelena Targaryen’s kids.

We are about to see one of the show’s darkest killings to date, if the plot follows that in the novels. As retaliation for Aemond’s killing of Luke, Haelena will be forced to decide which kid she is ready to sacrifice. Blood and Cheese eventually kill Jaehaerys, Helena’s elder son and heir to the kingdom, despite the fact that she is ready to give herself as a sacrifice. In addition to weakening the Greens, this will have a significant impact on the future since Haelena will be devastated by the murder’s repercussions and Rhaenyra’s rule will suffer as a result.

Despite the fact that Luke’s death was an accident and Aemond did not intend to harm him, it is obvious that dragons do not always obey their riders. We see how large and strong Vhagar is in the season one finale, so we can anticipate that the Blacks will do all it takes to win over Vermithor.

Vermithor gets a new rider

The final episode of the first season features Rhaenyra and Daemon talking about dragons. Despite the fact that the Blacks have more dragons than the Greens, none of them have engaged in combat. At that point, Daemons tells how unclaimed dragons are also present. We witness Daemon singing to one of them later on in the show. Vermithor, a 100-year-old dragon that was previously ridden by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, is the one in question.

Daemon walked over to Vermithor and began singing to him. Daemon cannot serve as Vermithor’s new rider, however, as he already owns a dragon. That’s how the Blacks came up with the plan to hunt out Targaryen impersonators and call them in to try to tame stray dragons. Hugh Hammer, a buffoon who rode the Bronze Fury for the duration of the Dance, managed to tame Vermithor in the books. Hugh will therefore appear in season two as Vermithor’s rider if the programme is to stay true to the source material from the books.

House Stark will play an important part

House Stark is another fantastic house we will probably see in the following season, even though Targaryen, Hightower, and Velayrion Houses are scheduled to return in the second. The upcoming civil war may have a big impact on this northern household. As shown in the season one finale, Rhaenyra began assembling her allies. To do this, she dispatched her sons Jacaerys and Lucerys to serve as the Queen’s messengers to win over significant allies like House Arryn, House Baratheon, and House Stark. To send a message to House Stark and Lord Cregan Stark, Rhaenyra dispatched her eldest son Jacaeyrs to the north.

The Lord of Winterfell during the Dance of the Dragons is Cregan Stark, commonly known as the Wolf of the North. Once Jace delivers the message to him, the two are most likely to become friends because he is close in age to Jace. In this war and the years that follow, House Stark will join forces with the Blacks, and Cregan will play a significant part.

Strong armies from House Stark will come to Rhaenyra’s help. The Northmen, Winter Wolves, and White Harbor Men are northern warriors. They took part in numerous significant fights in Dance of the Dragons, including the one at the Riverlands, from which we deduced that the Riverlands are crucial for gaining an advantage. To aid Rhaenyra in winning the battle, Stark also dispatches White Harbor Men across the ocean. Cregan Stark will continue to be a cherished friend and ally of House Targaryen long after the conflict is over and will eventually take the position of Hand of the King.

Without any thoughtful time leaps, season two of House of the Dragon will pick up where season one left off.

So there you have it—a brief preview of the upcoming second season. The cast of the programme will likely stay the same while introducing a few new characters. We shall witness many of these in the second season as Dance of the Dragon is notorious for being full of dramatic fights and tragedies. Let’s keep some of the details under wraps for the time being and see what the show’s creators have in store for us.