One of those movies where the title tells you everything you need to know before watching is Pixar’s “The Incredibles.” The animated story of the superpowered Parr family’s daily hardships and superhero lifestyles continues to be one of the most critically acclaimed superhero movies available with a whopping 97 percent fresh Tomatometer rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Its worldwide gross of approximately $630 million against a $92 million budget, according to Box Office Mojo, was also a rather impressive performance. It took 14 years until “Incredibles 2” was released, despite the fact that the 2004 film finished with a rather obvious sequel hook.
With a $1.24 billion worldwide gross (according to Box Office Mojo) and a 93 percent Tomatometer rating (per Rotten Tomatoes), the sequel proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was worth the wait and that the world is still interested in the property. As a result, it appears highly likely that a third instalment in the series will be planned at some point in the future. So when can “Incredibles 3” be released? Will there even be one at all?
Incredibles 3 might happen eventually, but probably not in a long time
There’s still a chance that “Incredibles 3” may be made, as producer John Walker, director Brad Bird, and the team behind “The Incredibles” and “Incredibles 2” explained to Entertainment Weekly in 2018. Sadly, it appears that the timetable for that film will resemble the considerable period that passed between “The Incredibles” and “Incredibles 2.”
Walker replied, “I wouldn’t ever rule that out.” It will take another 14 years, and many people will likely require oxygen to make a third one, if the past is any indication.
The production of “Incredibles 2” took so long because the writers wanted to make sure the plot was perfect. In order to avoid the process feeling forced, Bird said in the EW interview that this will also be the case for the hypothetical “Incredibles 3.” However, he did mention that there are a few plotlines he’d be anxious to explore in the future… either in “Incredibles 3” or in another movie, given the fact that “Incredibles 2” had to overcome some substantial production obstacles.
Bird compared the production issues “Incredibles 2” encountered to the “I Love Lucy” segment where she has candy building up on the conveyer belt. “This movie was that way. They cut a year off our schedule, so if an idea didn’t take off right away, you simply had to kill it and try something else. I murdered like a city teeming with darlings.
Even in the best-case scenario, fans would probably have to wait a very long time before their favourite characters, ideally in a third “Incredibles” movie, reappear. There remains hope, though, as long as Bird doesn’t completely reject the notion of “Incredibles 3.”
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