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Spellbound: Is Juliet Birdman Based on a Real Witch?”

The fantasy drama series “Spellbound” on Hulu was created by Jill Girling and Lori Mather. Cece Parker Jones, a 15-year-old ballet dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet School, is the centre of the story. Cece’s life is turned upside down when she learns she comes from a witch family and has magical abilities, though. In the epilogue, Cece meets Juliet Birdman, a formidable witch with connections to one of history’s most illustrious authors. The question of whether Juliet is based on a genuine witch must thus be on viewers’ minds, so here is what we know about that! Spoilers follow!

Is Juliet Birdman Based on a Real Witch?

In the 12th episode of the first season of “Spellbound,” Juliet Birdman makes her debut. She is a Wizen from the 17th century who is in charge of casting a curse on “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare. The television show explains that Juliet was a Wizen, a strong Witch who had relocated to Paris, France. She was a wanderer who travelled with her caravan and made potions to help villages ward against disease and illness. She was a performer as well, though, and Shakespeare plagiarised one of her works. As a result, Juliet cursed the play, only for it to unintentionally keep her in limbo for almost four hundred years.juliet birdman spellbound real witch pdf,juliet birdman spellbound real witch book,juliet birdman spellbound real witch age,juliet diaz witchery review,*juliet birdman spellbound real witch

Juliet is not based on a specific real-life witch. The character’s tale, however, might have its roots in a true fable pertaining to the well-known drama “Macbeth.” Speaking the play’s title aloud at a theatre can lead to tragedy, according to theatrical superstition. The play is therefore referred to as “The Scottish Play” or “The Bard’s Play.” It is alleged that a curse on the play is the cause of the superstition. Many people have conjectured that Shakespeare’s play was cursed by a coven of witches. Shakespeare’s use of a real spell and incantations in his play, which includes the characters of “Three Witches,” which stand in for the three Fates of classical mythology, infuriated the witches.

The real-life legend surrounding the curse imposed on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is perhaps a source of inspiration for the series. There is, however, no proof that the play was cursed by witches. Instead, a number of other rational explanations for the alleged curse’s catastrophic effects have been offered. Nevertheless, the show introduces Juliet Birdman, a fictional figure who also happens to be a witch with a connection to Shakespeare, as a clever method of tying the real-life myth to its fictional story.

In the season 1 conclusion, Juliet confesses that she has been trapped in limbo for more than 400 years and uses Cece to cast her spell on Cece to free herself from captivity. As a result, Juliet might turn out to be one of the main recurrent bad guys in the upcoming second season of the show. However, Juliet’s inclusion in the narrative adds to the legend and mythology of the show’s imaginary and fantastical components that enthral and engage the audience while also giving a clever allusion to the curse of “The Scottish Play” as well.

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