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Pappy Millar’s Mysterious Death: The Truth Uncovered

With “Waco: The Aftermath” on Showtime lives up to its title in every manner imaginable, we gain a true understanding of the awful events that took place after the disastrous 1993 Waco siege. In other words, this ‘Waco’ sequel by Drew Dowdle and John Dowdle (2018) examines everything from the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing to the 1994 Branch Davidians trial. Pappy Millar, the mayor of Elohim City, is one of individuals who has been so meticulously highlighted in this story. If you’d like to know more about him, we’ve got the information for you.

Who Was Pappy Millar?

Pappy was born Robert Grant Millar on August 16, 1925, in the beautiful Canadian province of Ontario, but it wasn’t until he immigrated to the US in the 1950s that he found his true calling. In order to disseminate his conventional but moderate ideals, the unyielding religious zealot wasted not even a single vital second before founding a church in Oklahoma City. The fact is that he did move to Maryland in the middle of the 1960s to direct an evangelical camp close to Ellicott City, only to come back to the West Coast as a Right Reverend in 1973 with a small group of his own followers.

According to stories, the majority of Pappy’s early supporters were either his blood relatives or spouses, but they all had such a strong faith in him that they assisted him in creating Elohim City from the bottom up. Despite being located on 400 acres (1.61 square kilometres) of Adair County land, this purported haven for neo-Nazi white supremacists has never thought of its members as hateful people or criminals. These conventional far-right extremists only refer to themselves as “purists” and claim to have been unified by their leader/former Mennonite under the direction of God (Elohim, which is Hebrew for “God”).

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According to Pappy’s earlier claims, his community proudly runs a small sawmill and a trucking company on its own property to generate a stable income that will enable it to comfortably support all of its residents. They claim they would open fire on anyone who entered without authorization or with malice, but the main reason for this is that they do not want them to ever devolve into force and corruption. In terms of how this community is governed, in addition to a pastor, there is also a Board of Directors that support greater individual liberties while simultaneously fostering a theology of Christian identity.

However, if we’re being completely honest, Elohim City has only ever received widespread media attention when The Order or the Oklahoma City Bombing are mentioned because of its purported connections to their members. However, it seems as though the federal authorities investigated the case and exonerated the village and its “elders” – none of them were discovered to be associated with any illegal white supremacist activities. Despite the fact that it is thought that bomber Timothy McVeigh frequently travelled to the city before the tragic day of April 19, 1995, in order to speak with Andy the German, the city’s now-retired chief of security, this is the case.

How Did Pappy Millar Die?

According to what we know, Robert “Pappy” Grant Millar, who was 75 at the time, passed away on May 28, 2001, while still acting as the leader and right reverend of Elohim City in Adair County, Oklahoma. He was then laid to rest in the property’s wooded woods, close to white supremacist murderer Richard Wayne Snell, for whom he had earlier provided spiritual guidance. On April 19, 1995—the exact day of the Oklahoma City bombings—the latter was actually put to death by lethal injection for the two murders he committed between 1993 and 1994.

Important to note is that John Millar, Robert’s second-oldest son, assumed control of the enclave after his death because Robert had eight sons and all of them lived in Elohim City.

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