Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's Whereabouts

The Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Seeking Justice and Closure

In Brooklyn, New York, Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis perished on the same day in early July 2002. The investigators immediately realised that the same person had killed both ladies, despite the fact that the crimes at first appeared to be unrelated. The authorities offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the killer’s capture, but he evaded them for almost 20 years. This case is covered in episode 204 of Oxygen’s “New York Homicide,” so if you’re curious to learn more, read on.

How Did Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Die?

When Patricia Neverson moved to New York in the middle of the 1980s, she was 22 years old and had grown up in Trinidad and Tobago. She was a single mother, and according to her son Akim Neverson, “she still took care of us. She almost appeared to be two individuals in one. Patricia acquired a brick row house on 1669 Carroll Street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, for $370,000 with the help of a loan from her brother, living out her American Dream. Akim recalled how Patricia loved her family, adapted to her new life, and flourished by working hard. Patricia also spoke highly of her family.

Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's WhereaboutsOn July 8, 2002, an operator called to report a welfare check at Patricia’s house at about 10:50 p.m. The call was received by officers cruising the Brooklyn neighbourhood. Denzil Humphrey, her father, called her and claimed he was unable to reach her. When the uniformed police arrived at the house, they discovered her dead lying sprawled across the bed with the phone cord wrapped around her hand. Police sources reported that the 39-year-old had been fatally shot once in the skull and once in the neck because there were round casings on the bed next to the corpse.

In July 2002, Donna Davis, then 34, was enrolled at Audrey Cohen College in Queens, New York, to pursue a master’s degree. The Trinidadian national had worked for Aetna U.S. Healthcare, according to family sources. She was determined to make her family proud, according to her cousin Dale Degale, who recalled her. She was a highly ambitious person, and we will remember that. She placed a high value on family. She and her mother acted like sisters. Clyde Davis, her father, expressed his pride in her daughter while being extremely protective of her.

Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's WhereaboutsDonna’s parents were concerned on July 8, 2002, when their daughter failed to get home that evening. As her father said, “My wife, she said, ‘Clyde, Donna should be here already.'” Donna’s mother reported her missing to the police precinct out of worry. On July 11, a man walking his dog in East New York, Brooklyn, discovered the promising young nursing student’s body discarded in a vacant lot. She had been fatally shot in the head by a single bullet. “And what hurt me most of all,” Clyde lamented, “a dog found the body.”

Who Killed Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis?

Patricia Humphrey’s father, Denzil Humphrey, showed up at the scene of the killing and made a terrifying confession as the detectives probed Patricia’s slaying. Former NYPD Detective Edward Murray said, “Andre Neverson told them that he had killed his sister.” Denzel was alarmed by the call and kept trying to call his daughter but kept getting an engaged signal. He alerted the authorities out of anxiety and hurried to Patricia’s residence to get the terrible news. When the investigators checked his background, they discovered that he had a criminal history.

Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's Whereabouts

Andre was raised on Trinidad’s pristine sandy beaches until his family relocated to Crown Heights, a working-class neighbourhood in Brooklyn, New York. However, the charismatic athlete with multiple girlfriends did not find this world to be glamorous enough. Bill Costa, the US Marshal, remarked, “He wanted homes, automobiles, luxury autos, and BMWs. He had numerous offspring with various women. In accordance with the episode, Andre was there for the single mother’s needs and lent her loyal sister $370,000 to purchase a home.

He was actually one of my favourite uncles, Akim recalled. He was there from the moment I was born, after all. However, Detective Murray stated that Andre “exhibited a lot of violent tendencies” and “hardly valued human lives.” He also had problems controlling his rage. When he and his ex-girlfriend got into a heated dispute that turned physical in 1992, he was taken into custody. Andre responded to the girl’s uncle’s attempt to step in by firing six bullets into his torso.

The uncle survived, but Neverson was ultimately found guilty of assault and sentenced to five years in a New York State Correctional Facility, according to Detective Murray. Patricia regularly visited her brother in jail, and after his release, he was deported to Trinidad. But he managed to obtain a Jamaican passport and sneak back into New York via Canada. When Andre moved in with his sister, she had already gained independence. That freedom led to arguments between them, which were all sparked by Andre’s mortgage debt to his sister.Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's Whereabouts

Patricia diligently repaid the debt, but Andre insisted that his name be listed on the house deed. He courted Donna as he thought of methods to seize control of the house. To be honest, I really didn’t care for Andre, Clyde remembered. The conflict between Andre and Patricia reached a breaking point on July 8, 2002, as described by Detective Murray: “It just escalated things, and they got into an argument where there was no turning back.” Before meeting Donna, Andre confessed to killing his sister over the phone to his father.

Police sources claim that Donna was last seen alive getting into his minivan after he picked her up from her college in Queens. Donna was slain without reason, contrary to the investigators’ assertion that Andre killed Patricia inside the house. “Emotions got involved,” detective Murray said, “and unfortunately, Donna was there at a bad time.” On November 6, Andre attempted to break through the window of another ex-girlfriend while carrying a gun, but was nearly apprehended. He told her that while he didn’t intend to injure her, he did need to see his two-year-old.

Where is Andre Neverson Now?

After he was seen there in 2005, investigators went to Trinidad, but they found nothing. One of the top 15 Most Wanted Americans was eventually apprehended on September 4, 2018, after hiding out at his Bridgeport, Connecticut, home for 16 years. Police sources claim that he was detained on September 3 on suspicion of reckless driving but was released on bail after providing a false name. However, his fingerprints linked him to the 16-year-old double murder, and the next day at around 3:45 pm, he was captured.

Patricia Neverson and Donna Davis Murders: Andre Neverson's WhereaboutsIn January 2022, Andre was found guilty on two charges of second-degree murder as well as one count of second-degree criminal possession of a weapon. On February 9, 2022, the Brooklyn Supreme Court condemned him to 50 years to life in prison. “Justice has prevailed in this case, and a man who committed two senseless murders nearly 20 years ago will now pay for his actions,” declared district attorney Gonzalez. The 59-year-old is a prisoner at Wende Correctional Facility, according to court records. According to his prison records, he will become eligible for parole in 2065.

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