The Real Reason Was Raising Dion Season 3 Was Cancelled?

Raising Dion has ended in a formal manner. We are devastated that the popular Netflix series based on the same-titled comic book series by Dennis Liu won’t be renewed for a third season.


Granted Permission To Cry.


Following the Netflix announcement, the cast members posted on social media to discuss the conclusion of their two-year run.

One of the first to express her feelings was the actress Sammie Haney, who played Esperanza, who wrote on Instagram: “Sadly, Raising Dion has been CANCELLED. We are really appreciative of all the tremendous support from all of our wonderful fans. Even solely judging by how many people watched the entire second season and expressed a desire for a third, season two was a success on par with season one.”

Lead actor Ja’Siah Young, who portrayed the film’s title hero Dion, added this to the discussion: “None of us, including me and you guys, are to blame. You guys were fantastic, and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. I’m grateful.”

The lovable show focused on Nicole Warren (Alisha Wainwright) and her son Dion (Young), whose conflict with adversary The Crooked Man won over fans’ hearts. So why was it cancelled?

Why Raising Dion was cancelled

Raising Dion’s early cancellation may have been due to financial difficulties, however Netflix has been mum on the subject.

Due to the loss of 200,000 members, Netflix’s stock price fell precipitously, causing investors to withdraw $1.1 billion in support, adding insult to injury. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the streaming service is expected to lose a further two million users. This is bad news for the franchise and its source of binge-worthy content.

If this is the real cause of Raising Dion’s cancellation, it’s possible that Netflix will continue to make unpleasant cancellations as its budget gets ever tighter.

Raising Dion’s shelf life was likely shortened by Netflix, which may have to make some difficult decisions in the future (plz don’t choose Ginny and Georgia).

When Wainwright shared her opinions on Instagram, she nailed it.

She wrote, “I feel Raising Dion achieved so much for tiny Black and Brown children and children with disabilities. I am heartbroken that the show isn’t moving forward, not only because I won’t get to work with my fantastic cast and crew in the same way again.

“I wish we could share with them more tales from our fantastic Dion universe. For the children, my heart hurts.”


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Her argument perfectly captures why a programme like Raising Dion should have been the last thing Netflix would have cut.

Let alone a programme where the main superhero is Black AND a youngster, there is so little diversity of representation in the superhero realm.

While the presence of underrepresented groups in this industry is improving (Black Panther, Shang-Chi and the 10 Rings, Ms. Marvel, etc.), this is not the right time to cut back on this type of programming.

We are not allowed to add a few token ethnicities to the mix, congratulate ourselves, and then sit back and say, “Job well done.”

While the likelihood of acquiring mind-moving abilities is incredibly remote, Black and Brown youngsters need wholesome and aspirational representation since having the chance to feel strong and brave shouldn’t be.

Raising Dion not only speaks aspirationally to young Black children, but it also explores Black hardships in a profoundly beautiful way. It did so in a pleasant way without downplaying the reality, assisting kids of all races in understanding how racial biases exist in the world. Few television programmes successfully fit the description in that regard.

Raising Dion, to continue Wainwright’s thesis, succeeded in promoting diversity on numerous levels. Through the persona of the courageous Esperanza, who was not constrained by her disabilities, it provided voice to the disabled. She wasn’t meant to be a weak or pitiful character, but rather a confident one—something that mainstream television sorely lacks.

It was also energising to see a Black working mother who is unmarried shown as someone who does not require an explanation to be accepted by society. Despite her worries, Nicole Warren was brave, capable, and not much in need of saving.

Because of the abrupt conclusion, we will never learn the identity of the Crooked Man or how the adversary Pat’s flip to the dark side would result in the formidable foe we witnessed in the post-credits sequence. #Sob.

However, it does show a prosperous Dion in the future. Therefore, even if there may not be much chance for the Dion-verse to come to fruition, we can rest assured that he is still clearing up the neighbourhood, one evil at a time.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Raising Dion may be watched right now on Netflix.