13 Major Reasons Why Some Fans Can’t Stand Rory Gilmore From Gilmore Girls

Rory Gilmore, who is praised for being a TV character that appreciates reading and learning, is a major factor in why Gilmore Girls is still so popular. It’s great to watch Rory Gilmore pursue her dreams, succeed academically, and find love. Of course, she has the coolest mother, who makes her small-town existence enjoyable and interesting.


Fans adore a lot about this character, whether they are witnessing Rory hang out with her grandpa Richard or studying at Chilton. Despite the fact that Rory has a lot of endearing qualities and a kind heart, she occasionally commits glaring errors. There are several troubling facts about Rory that fans have brought up in Gilmore Girls Reddit threads.


Aya Tsintziras updated on January 29, 2022: Intelligent Rory is renowned for her dedication, desire to attend an Ivy League university, and close friendship with her mother Lorelai. While viewers adore Rory, they are frequently perplexed by her actions, including those in the Netflix revival of A Year In The Life.

Fans have occasionally expressed their disapproval of Rory’s activities by posting their opinions on Reddit.

It’s When Rory Goes To Yale That Everything Changes

Many fans applaud this character’s first few seasons because she is endearing, intelligent, and has a good head on her shoulders. Rory’s moments from the Chilton Gilmore Girls reveal that she goes through a lot.

There appear to be significant distinctions between Rory in high school and Rory at Yale, according to a fan’s Reddit post. PMmegoofyjokes, a Reddit member, wrote: “Yale Rory is easily defeated, in contrast to Chilton Rory’s tenacity. While Yale Rory takes her grandparent’s money for granted, Chilton Rory is astounded by it.”

Lorelai Doesn’t Give Rory Responsibility

One Redditor claims that Lorelei is depicted as the “immature person” and Rory is constantly billed as the “responsible one,” yet this isn’t actually the truth. They claimed that Lorelai does not delegate responsibility to Rory.

The fan points out that Lorelai becomes a single mother in her teens and works hard to provide for Rory, demonstrating her ability to manage responsibilities and adversity. Lorelai is unquestionably admirable, and she has on Gilmore Girls made wise decisions.

Rory Becomes A Worse Character Between Seasons 1 And 6

Between Seasons 1 and 6, Rory develops into a worse character. Lane and Rory in the Gilmore Girls series pilot.
According to Reddit user gilmorerevi, “Rory got increasingly worse” from seasons 1 to 6 when she steals the yacht and engages in illicit sexual activity with Dean while he is married to Lindsay.

When assessing each season of Gilmore Girls, season 1 features cherished scenes and plotlines, and it is certainly perplexing to consider all the faults Rory will go on to commit. Although everyone makes mistakes in life, at the start of the episode Rory is lovable, intelligent, and sweet, making it difficult to support some of her decisions.


Rory Is Privileged And Expects To Do Well

One admirer suggested that Rory’s wealthy upbringing is the reason she has some issues as a character. According to Reddit user ennuiiffui, Rory has a “feeling of entitlement” and is never denied the chance to thrive, unlike Lorelai, who was a single mother on her own.

Even though Rory and Lorelai live in a small town and a modest home, Rory has it pretty good because her grandparents are always willing to pay for anything she needs and provide as a safety net for her in times of need.

Rory Isn’t A Great Friend To Lane

Fans enjoy watching Lane’s passion for music-making, but other viewers find Lane and Rory hanging around awkward since they feel that Rory exploits Lane when he might be a much more helpful friend.

Rory doesn’t treat Lane well, according to Reddit user Fandam YT, who stated that “she almost exclusively utilises just to get through her own troubles.” When Lane is struggling, “Rory is there for her what, one or twice? [sic],” the fan added.

Rory Isn’t Faithful To Her Partners

No matter how much Rory is adored by Gilmore Girls fans, there are plenty of instances where she has cheated on her relationships.

According to a post on Reddit by Consistent Golf 6562, Rory kisses Jess while dating Dean, has an affair with Logan when he’s engaged, has an affair with Dean, and also kisses Jess while dating Logan. She “never grew out of her cheating period,” the fan claimed.

Rory Isn’t Nice To Dean At The End Of Their Relationship

Only after considerable drama and conflict at the conclusion of Dean and Rory’s relationship do Rory and Jess start dating in season 3. Dean is in agony over the fact that she likes Jess.

Some fans find it difficult to support Rory when she begins to develop feelings for Jess instead of Dean. Reddit user joygreenwood said, “You can’t blame some of Dean’s conduct when she was stringing him along like that.” Many viewers agree with the fan who claimed that Rory’s treatment of Dean towards the conclusion of their romance was appalling because Dean felt ignored as Rory began to flirt with Jess.

Rory’s Revival Storyline Is A Downer

Many viewers see Rory’s stagnant career in A Year In The Life to be a concern. The show erred, in the opinion of Reddit user Giant girrafe toy, by “not tying her actions to Richard’s death.”

That would have appeased many fans, but the revival fails to make sense of this, leaving the spectator to question what happened to Rory and why she no longer has a place to live, a fulfilling work, or the self-assured demeanour that she previously did.

Rory Should Listen To Lorelai When She Wants To Leave Yale

One of Rory’s blunders at Yale was leaving for a time. She also made the mistake of ignoring Lorelai’s wise counsel, which was that there were other ways to deal with her sadness and disappointment than dropping out of college.

She stopped talking to Lorelai after Lorelai tried to give her some tough love (which she definitely needed), according to Reddit user caramelapplz.

She Could Have Listened To Mitchum

Fans of Gilmore Girls may recall Mitchum Huntzberger telling Rory that she lacks the skills to be a great journalist. Rory is thrust into crisis mode as a result, but what if she had listened to Mitchum and applied his advice to improve as a reporter?

The majority of Gilmore Girls fans support Mitchum. She couldn’t truly be an investigative reporter, as Mitchum “really gave her constructive criticism,” according to one Redditor. Although Rory enjoys reading, writing, and studying, she seems to be more ambitious in the classroom than in the workplace.

She Doesn’t Appreciate Lorelai As She Should

The popularity of this show is largely due to Rory and Lorelai, since viewers like watching their movie nights and listening to their conversation.

Rory “does take lot for granted,” according to Reddit user RameemM, including Lorelai. When Rory can easily quit talking to her mother in the sixth season, it seems to be a nice illustration of that. She doesn’t comprehend Lorelai’s concern for her. It looks like Rory would change her mind about this if she could take a moment to reflect on all that Lorelai has done for her in life.

She Gets Upset When Someone Is Sitting Under Her Studying Tree

While it’s typically a serene and picturesque scene when Rory is reading or studying beneath a tree, in season 4 Rory exhibits odd behaviour. When someone “thinks it’s disrespectful that someone else is studying under ‘her’ tree. and then pays him! for a tree,” as Reddit user nmj012 puts it, it is dislikeable.

There must be numerous places to study on a gorgeous campus like Yale, so it is obviously odd that Rory feels this way. Some fans believe that Rory often needs to get her way, and this is a wonderful example of that.

She Tries Too Hard To Be Flawless

Another admirer finds it annoying that Rory makes such an effort to be perfect all the time. Anaksunamanda commented on Reddit, “Every time Rory is criticised for being terrible, she fights back for a while before she finally acknowledges it. She simply cannot be perfect and in error, Rory.”

While being a perfectionist and being regarded as Stars Hollow’s favourite citizen certainly help Rory get good grades and have a bright future, they also make it difficult for her to accept responsibility or see her mistakes.