These days, the Indian movie Thankam has been all over social media. Thankam, which means “gold” in Malayalam, is the name of a crime drama. The movie is about the mysterious gold business, where risk and reward are very important. The movie, which is available on Amazon Prime, is about two close friends, Kannan and Muthu, and their journey. Both of them are very close and know a lot about business.
Muthu loses confidence sometimes, but Kannan is there to help him keep it up when things get hard. Kannan is someone who knows a lot of secrets, and he seems to be a very sneaky and mysterious person. His behaviour points to something bad, which turns out to be true as the story goes on.
Thankam Plot Explained
We go to Thrissur, which is known for its gold business, in the movie. The gold trade gives jobs to a lot of people in the city. It’s a risky business that pays off in the end. We meet Muthu and Kannan, who are the best of friends and work in the gold trade.
They both smuggle gold, which is against the law, and it helps them make a lot of money. The story is now moving from Thrissur to Mumbai. Kannan, Muthu, and a person they know named Bijoy go to Coimbatore. Then they decided to move to Mumbai. But their original plan goes wrong when the police stop them in the middle of the way.
Kannan gets to Mumbai in some way. But he doesn’t show up. Even though his friends are called and stopped, it doesn’t help. Kannan’s wife is worried that he may be dead. Men in the gold business say that he ran away with gold that was brought into the country illegally. But in the end, his body is found in a lodge.
From what we know so far, it looks like someone was killed. Kannan’s hands are tied, and the room is shook up. Vijay Sakhalkar, who is a good cop, is in charge of the investigation. Vijay digs deep into the case and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as the truth about the case comes out.
While most viewers are trying to figure out who the killer is and keeping an eye on the suspects, Vijay thinks that the case is messed up and that things aren’t as they seem.
His family thinks the killing might have something to do with the gold business. Aparna Balamurali plays Kannan’s wife. She wants the police team to figure out the truth about how her husband died. She is sure that her husband is not guilty.
Kannan’s body after he gave birth shows that he was killed. The police look through CCTV footage and find some proof. Kannan was seen with two people who didn’t seem right. Kannan was found dead in his room at the lodge, which was broken into by one of them. The police find both of them, and one of them gives away the whole plan.
Thankam Ending Explained
The ending showed everything that had been hidden. When the confusion is gone, a shocking truth comes to light. People wanted to know who the killer really was. But when everyone finds out that Kannan was never killed, they are all shocked. He killed himself.
Kannan killed himself, but he made it look like he was killed. Kannan’s gold business was in huge debt. He had lost most of the money he had saved. Gold dealers and banks wanted to kill him. Kannan didn’t see any way out, so he did what no one could have imagined. Kannan got two of his friends to help him pretend to kill himself.
Kannan only went to Mumbai to do this one thing. He cut his own wrist, then asked his partner to tie both of his hands together. Then the accomplice made a lot of noise to show that this was a case of theft. Kannan killed himself by hanging himself when he left. You’re probably wondering why Kannan had to lie about all of this.
Well, Kannan’s family would have been in debt if he hadn’t taken the insurance money. He would only get the money if he were killed. If you killed yourself, you wouldn’t be able to get any money. So he decided to kill himself on stage.
Thankam shows how the human mind is shady and can hide in plain sight without anyone noticing. The movie is great to watch because of Kannan’s character and the big surprise at the end.
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