Thanos Brother : Who Is Thanos’ Real Brother Eros Aka Starfox | What Are His Powers?

Wild post-credits scenes have already appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But witnessing a buzzed troll jump out of a portal raises the stakes considerably. But since it also introduces Harry Styles as Eros, an Eternal who is the brother of none other than Thanos, the Mad Titan, the first post-credits scene for Eternals has the potential to alter how we interpret the entire “Infinity Saga.” But hold on, who is Eros? Why is Starfox his name? And if he is an Eternal, how is he connected to Thanos? It’s time to start reading Marvel comic books to learn more about how Eros’ arrival might alter everything.



How Eros’ Introduction Can Change the MCU History

In comic books, Eternals are not a manufactured race, but rather the product of Celestials’ research on early humanity. Although they descended from Earth’s humanoids, Eternals had a completely distinct evolutionary process that eventually led them to colonise Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. In other words, Titanians in comic books are merely a branch of the Eternals. So, like his brother Thanos, Starfox is a Titanian and an Eternal. However, Thanos acquired the Deviant gene, giving him a malformed and purple appearance.


Numerous aspects of Thanos, Titan, and the Eternals were altered by the MCU. According to Eternals, the race consists exclusively of synthetic creatures whose memories are periodically erased so they can continue carrying out the Celestials’ commands. But Thanos was always portrayed as a biological person, and Titan, where he lived, was until recently just another planet.

However, the post-credits scene from Eternals may alter our understanding of Thanos and Titan. In the film, Eros poses as an Eternal and even has a sphere that enables him to communicate with Arishem, the First Celestial. Therefore, it is clear that Eros is intended to be a man-made being similar to other Eternals. Starfox is still referred to in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Thanos’ brother, according to Pip the Troll. That suggests that Thanos could eventually be changed to resemble an Eternal himself. What does that entail, though, for Titan and Thanos’s scheme to obliterate half of all intelligent life?

According to the “Infinity Saga,” Titan’s demise was caused by a scarcity of resources on the planet. That indicates that there was some ecological justification for Thanos’ decision to wipe out half of the intelligent life on each planet. The Snap, however, also stopped the emergence of new gods because Celestials require the energy of intelligent life in order to reproduce. If Thanos is an Eternal, perhaps the Emergence was another driving force behind his quest to eradicate intelligent life. Maybe Thanos wished to stop other planets from being devastated the way Titan was during the Emergence of a Celestial.

Future films will likely provide an explanation of how Eros can be an Eternal and still be Thanos’ brother for the MCU. Future movies should also explain how Eros managed to escape the Celestials’ control and end up as a space adventurer. In the MCU, he appears to come and go as he pleases, and Pip the Troll even identifies Starfox as the person who overthrew comic book despot Dark Roger. The MCU is well explored in Eternals, although it certainly raises more questions than it does answers.


Starfox Powers Explained

Eros is a carefree Eternal born on Titan who was created by Jim Starling for 1973’s The Invincible Iron Man #55, the same issue that introduced Thanos. Eros was mostly focused on taking pleasure in life for the majority of his life. Nevertheless, Eros made the decision to aid the survivors of the planet and battled alongside cosmic heroes like Captain Mar-Vell when his brother Thanos launched a campaign to capture Titan and the universe. Eros’s exploits eventually brought him to Earth, where he joined the Avengers and was given the name Starfox.

Starfox possesses extraordinary strength, agility, toughness, and immortality, much like every other Eternal. Since an Eternal simply reincarnates after passing away in comic books, Starfox is almost indestructible. Although Starfox is an Eternal who can fly, he differs from other members of his race in that he has psychic influence over other people’s emotions. Starfox has the ability to influence others’ pleasure centres, causing them to become placated, content, or even aroused. When Eros lived on Earth many centuries ago, his careless temperament allowed him to use his abilities to help people fall in love, which inspired people to invent the Cupid stories.