Fans’ reactions to the news that Disney is currently working on Toy Story 5, the next installment in the Toy Story saga, have been surprisingly conflicted on social media. Bob Iger, the CEO of The Walt Disney Company, announced yesterday that Toy Story 5 and the sequels to Frozen and Zootopia are also in production. But Toy Story 5 has received the most attention—and not all of it in a good way.
TOY STORY 5, FROZEN 3, AND ZOOTOPIA 2 are apparently confirmed now.
Uh, animation twitter, thoughts???
— JOLLY J✨ (@DynamoSuperX) February 8, 2023
Toy Story 5 is such a cash grab, 4 films are enough.
They’ll probably won’t let Frozen go for another decade.
Zootopia 2 is great tho.— Dee Cee (@DeeCeeGrayson) February 9, 2023
We let Disney slide with Toy Story 4 but now 5 ? They’re pushing it. It’s like they’re TRYING to fuck this series up🙄.
— Kingdavidson906 (@kingdavidson906) February 9, 2023
They talmbout Disney just announced toy story 5… bitch Andy damn near a senior citizen
— MS. QUEEN KEY (@KeyisQueen) February 9, 2023
Many Toy Story fans appear to be offended by the plot of the previous sequel Toy Story 4, believing that the series should have concluded with the third film. When Toy Story 3 was released in 2010, it brought an end to Andy’s story and his interactions with Woody and Buzz. It received positive reviews from critics, and many thought it was the franchise’s ideal conclusion.
See ya soon Woody, you are a sad strange little man and you have my pity. And off we go to a number 5! To infinity and beyond!
— Tim Allen (@ofctimallen) February 9, 2023
Why in the hell are they making a Toy Story 5 when the fourth one was supposed to be it and the third one was when everyone thought it was over?? Like both of them (specifically the third one) had good endings and finished off the story well why are they dragging it on??
— Kaci (she/her/hers) (@kmorgkm) February 9, 2023
Zootopia 2 – hyped! Loved the first film and was always worthy of a sequel.
Frozen 3 – always expected. Surprised it took so long to announce a sequel.
Toy Story 5 – but why tho? 3 had the best ending. 4 gave closure for the toys. Just leave this franchise alone.
— Kelechi Ehenulo 🍿 (@kehenulo) February 9, 2023
Zootopia 2: Sure why not there’s plenty more stories to tell in this universe
Frozen 3: Surprisingly I don’t mind this idea. If they take their time instead of rushing it out like 2, there’s a lot of potential. I just won’t look forward to it
Toy Story 5: Absolutely fucking not
— Schaffrillas (@Schaffrillas) February 9, 2023
Not sure why we want TOY STORY 5. They last two movies were already clear finales unto themselves. This feels like a hat on a hat on a hat.
— A.B. Allen (@A_B_Allen) February 8, 2023
Not Everyone is Feeling Quite so Sour on Toy Story 5
Of course, the Toy Story series continues to be one of the most popular animated series of all time, so not everyone is as upset about the news of a fifth installment.
Still gone go watch Toy Story 5 when it come out, fight me.
— Amiya❤️🔥 (@badgalmiyaaa) February 9, 2023
Me watching Disney’s Toy Story 5, Frozen 3, and Zootopia 2 in theaters
— BLURAYANGEL 🦇 (@blurayangel) February 9, 2023
Fuck yeah Toy Story 5
— 🫠✨ (@CecilioLanz) February 9, 2023
The general sentiment, however, leans more negatively, and fans are perplexed as to why Disney decided to film Toy Story 5. Of course, there are also the obvious financial advantages.
Live Twitter reaction to Disney announcing Toy Story 5.
— Key’Shawn Watkins #BLM (@KeyWatkins51299) February 9, 2023
Zootopia 2 > Frozen 3 > Toy Story 5
— Peef Spogdar (⸜⁄) (@peefspogdar) February 9, 2023
“Hey guys we’re making Toy Story 5 please ignore this”
— danny 🔜 ECCC N-05 (@Danny8bit) February 8, 2023
TOY STORY 5??? They’re just bored over there at this point
— Wildest Moments on Cartoon shows and Movies (@toonsgowild) February 8, 2023
“Today I’m so pleased to announce that we have sequels in the works from our animation studios to some of our most popular franchises, Toy Story, Frozen, and Zootopia,” said Disney CEO Bob Iger during yesterday’s Q1 earnings call. This is a terrific illustration of how we’re leveraging our unrivaled brands and franchises. We’ll have more information about these productions to share soon.
Tim Allen, a stalwart of the franchise who was recast alongside Chris Evans from Marvel for the standalone spinoff Lightyear last year, has since revealed that he will return for Toy Story 5. The actor, who has played Buzz Lightyear since the very first Toy Story way, way back in 1995, posted a message on social media saying, “See you soon Woody, you are a sad strange little man and you have my pity.” “And now we’re off to number 5!” To the horizon and beyond!
Toy Story 5’s plot is currently unknown, but we can undoubtedly safely assume that it will resolve in some way to reunite Woody and Buzz after the events of Toy Story 4. No matter how you feel about the fourth installment, the question of whether we need a Toy Story 5 still persists.