Virgin River Season 4 Finale Unanswered Questions Addressed

Over the course of its first four seasons, the Netflix original series Virgin River has gained a lot of popularity. It centres on Melinda “Mel” Monroe (Alexandra Breckenridge), a nurse from Los Angeles who moves to the remote village of Virgin River in northern California. Mel is prepared to start over and wants to go to a little village in the middle of nowhere after losing her husband to a car accident and her baby to a stillbirth. Things really start to get interesting when she meets gloomy ex-Marine and bar owner Jack (Martin Henderson).


Virgin River features all the finest (and worst) aspects of small-town life, including a populace full of interesting people who enjoy talking, and Season 4 had no shortage of difficult situations. We still have a lot of questions when it was over.


Who Is Preacher Going to Choose: Julia or Paige?

The last several seasons of Preacher (Colin Lawrence) have been challenging. Being the neighbourhood good guy, he always manages to run into trouble. He discovered Paige (Lexa Doig) was evading her wicked ex-husband Wes in the first season (Steve Bacic). She fled after killing him by mistake (? ), leaving Christopher (Chase Petriw) in Preacher’s care. Wes’ identical twin brother Vince soon arrived and abducted Christopher. Preacher has been concerned about Christopher and Paige’s location for the entire season. He eventually relaxed and had a casual relationship with Julia, his Aikido instructor (Lucia Walters).

When things were just getting going, Paige reappeared and revealed that Vince was carrying Christopher. Preacher got involved once more because he is Preacher, and he had to stand up for Paige when she gave up her life to secure Christopher’s release. Vince is knocked out by Preacher during a heated altercation. Vince is he dead? Will Preacher be detained for his role in the deaths of Wes and Vince? And who will he choose—Paige or Julia—at the end of it all? The safe option is Julia, but nothing in Virgin River is ever guaranteed. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until Season 5 to find out how our favourite local chef’s story will end.

How Far Will Melissa Go to Protect Her Drug Business in Virgin River?

With good reason, Brady (Benjamin Hollingsworth) was alarmed when Melissa (Barbara Pollard), a new boss, arrived at the lumber yard. When Calvin (David Cubitt) was killed a few days later, she showed to him that she had taken over from Calvin. Brady’s loved ones have already been threatened by Melissa, who seems like a frightening woman, if he doesn’t continue to support her Fentanyl company through the lumber yard.

Up until the end of the season, Melissa remained a mystery. Then, Jack and Mel learned that Melissa was the sister of Nick (Keith MacKechnie), who had coincidentally just signed a business agreement with Jack. The issue is that Melissa has already demonstrated that she will stop at nothing to ensure the success of her company. What extent will she now go to in order to continue running her illegal drug business now that Jack and Mel are engaged and expecting a child? Jack is enthusiastic about starting a new business with Nick, but it appears that Nick is unaware of the true identity of his sister.

Why Did Charmaine Lie About the Twins’ Real Father?

In the waning seconds of the finale, Charmaine (Lauren Hammersley), who has been expecting for the past four seasons, sprang a surprise on Jack and Mel. She is not only certain that her new douchey husband Todd (Patrick Sabongui) will leave her; she also thinks it is payback for lying to Mel and Jack the entire time. The twins’ father is not Jack. Is she really here? Charmaine had been holding Mel and Jack’s pregnancy over Jack’s head for months, which strained their entire relationship. She’s now attempting to convince him that they are not even his. Come on, Charmaine, girl. You are superior than this!

How Long Does Doc’s Grandson Denny Have Left to Live?

The entire village was dubious when Doc (Tim Matheson) saw his grandson Denny (Kai Bradbury). Denny persistently kept Lizzie (Sarah Dugdale) at a distance despite the fact that she was instantly attracted to him. From the beginning, there was something fishy about Denny, but at the conclusion, he finally told Lizzie what was going on. Denny suffers with Huntington’s disease, a fatal affliction. Because he doesn’t want Lizzie to become overly attached to him, he has kept her at a distance. How much time does Denny have now? Huntington’s disease has a life expectancy of 10 to 30 years, but he gave all his money away to pay off Doc’s mortgage, and he overdosed on Klonopin, so we assume he’s in a lot of agony. Will Season 5 bring us yet another terrible defeat? And how on earth will Doc respond to the information that his sole successor will pass away soon?

Have We Seen the Last of Brie’s Ex Don?

At the start of Season 3, Jack’s sister Brie (Zibby Allen) arrived in Virgin River to take care of him as he recovered from being shot. To Jack’s dismay, she fell in love with Brady right away. Finally, she confessed to Mel and then to Brady that she had quit her job and moved to the area to get away from her ex-boyfriend Don (James Kot), who had raped her. When she departed, many stories about Don began to circulate around their law office, so Don called her and told her he needed her to speak out in his favour so he could be promoted. But when he returned in the finale with an NDA for her to sign and numerous threats, Brie ultimately made the decision to fight back and file a lawsuit against him. Don didn’t appear very frightened, but Brie insisted he “lawyer up.” Has this person left us forever? Or has Brie’s conflict just started? When Brady learns that Don is in town, I’d hate to be Don.

What’s the Future of Doc’s Practice?

After Doc added Cameron (Mark Ghanimé), a second physician, to the practise. Even though he had little chance, Cameron felt feelings for Mel right away. This season, Jack dealt with a lot, and when Cameron learned that he and Mel were expecting a child, he chose to tell Mel that he wasn’t convinced Jack was the right man for her. He chose to leave the practise after Mel responded to his remarks. Mel apologised for her response and told her they were getting married so they could put it behind them after realising he was just trying to be a friend. But Cameron quit because the harm had already been done.

Mel made the decision to step down in the hopes that Doc would keep Cameron after recognising she would probably require some bed rest and then go on maternity leave. So suddenly Doc is back to working alone in his office. What will happen to his practise if Hope (Annette O’Toole) needs home care and he is almost ready to retire? Since he is the only doctor in the area, it cannot fail. Can he persuade Cameron to return? Will there be a new doctor in the picture again?

Has Ricky Left Virgin River for Good?

Since he was a little child, sweet young Ricky (Grayson Gurnsey) has desired to join the Marines. His grandmother Lydie has been raising him since he lost both of his parents (Christina Jastrzembska). Even after falling in love and meeting Lizzie, he continued on his path to joining the military. When Lizzie found out he was lying and still went ahead and enlisted, she immediately ended their relationship. In the epilogue, Jack picked him up from the bus station after a brief farewell party that Lizzie had planned, and Ricky was off.

Is this the final time we’ll see Ricky considering he has played a significant role in Virgin River from the beginning? Is the greatest method of transportation from Eureka to San Diego a bus? San Diego is at least a 12-hour trip away from Eureka. Isn’t there someone who could provide this young man a flight?

Will Mark’s Family Finally Leave Mel Alone?

Every season, Mel’s ex-family husband’s continues to create drama for her to worry about. First, Stacie, her sister-in-law, arrived to request the return of her wedding band because it was a family relic (Melinda Dahl). Then, to further prove Mel’s pregnancy, Stacie sent her an ultrasound. Stacie returned this season, and Mel was understandably dubious of her intentions. Stacie extended an arm of amity to Mel after appearing to cool up a bit. But before she left, she gave her another another surprise. She learned that Mel and Mark had several embryos, and Mark’s mother Cassandra (Laura Soltis) wanted to use a surrogate to carry Mark’s child for her to raise.

When Mel and Cassandra finally get together, Mel is told that Cassandra hired a private investigator who discovered that Mel had not only implanted the final embryos but was also pregnant. Cassandra informed her that she planned to file a lawsuit for joint custody. Due of this, Jack and Mel decide to undergo a DNA test; fortunately, Jack is the father. good news Are we done with Stacie and Cassandra, though, since that they’ve proven to be major obstacles to Mel’s happiness? Or do they have a different plan in mind?

Virgin River’s first four seasons are now accessible to watch on Netflix, and the fifth season will debut there at a later date.