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Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead: Episode 3 Recap and Ending Breakdown

Akira’s internet finally functions in “Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead” episode 3 titled “Best Friend of the Dead,” and he remembers his best friend from college, Kencho. He makes the decision to save him right away after discovering that he is Shinjuku, despite the dangers. It comes out that although the two were quite close a few years ago, they were unable to stay in touch, mostly as a result of Akira’s dangerous employment. But when they do get back together, things don’t turn out the way Akira had hoped. Here is all the information you need to know about the third episode of “Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead.” Spoilers follow!

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 3 Recap

A young girl sobs at Club Shou-Time, as he considers the loved ones she has lost to the zombie apocalypse. Shou promises her that everything will be fine and that he will make sure to protect her when he notices her. At that point, he learns that the zombies are making a comeback, and he and his men head outside to engage in combat as the evacuees take cover inside the club. Akira’s internet starts to function elsewhere, and he remembers his friend Kencho from college.

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Akira gets in touch with him right away and finds out where he is in Shinjuku. Kencho warns him not to go since the city is overrun with zombies. However, Akira hangs up the phone after requesting him to text him his address because he has already decided to save his closest friend. Akira thinks back to his previous encounter with Kencho as he travels towards Shinjuku. Following graduation, Kencho landed a fantastic real estate position that has enabled him to lead a posh lifestyle.

Akira becomes annoyed when Kencho boasts about dating models because he is confined to a bad job. Kencho begs him to leave, but he lacks the courage to do so. In the meantime, practically everyone outside Club Shou-Time has been slaughtered by zombies, and Shou believes he will soon pass away. But for some unexplained reason, the zombies abruptly dissipate, giving him another day to live.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 3 Ending: Does Akira Save Kencho? Is Kencho Dead?

Akira finds Kencho’s location after he gets to Shinjuku thanks to the address his friend texted him. Kencho is shocked to see that the hallways are absolutely empty and that the zombies have all mysteriously disappeared. When Akira finally sees Kencho, she sobs uncontrollably. He admits that he now regrets continuing to work at his hazardous job despite Kencho’s repeated requests for him to resign.

Akira believes that his college best friend was correct, and he now recognises the value of the counsel. Kencho is unable to respond as he sobs excessively but ultimately finds the strength to tell him anything. But before he could say anything, the undead reappear. The two buddies quickly run to the terrace while being pursued by the undead in order to save themselves. They close the door and block it with whatever they can find when they reach the top. Kencho is aware that the door won’t last forever.

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Akira is immersed in his own thoughts as Kencho thinks as though his life is about to end. Akira indicates that he believes that the building across the street is close enough to leap as he turns to see what his companion is doing. Kencho tries to stop Akira because he believes the plan is suicidal. But Akira is too quick and self-assured. He succeeds in making the jump, landing roughly on the structure. He assures Kencho that everything is alright despite his wounds. Despite Akira’s selfless deeds, Kencho believes he lacks the strength to complete a jump that long.

Kencho apologises to Akira and admits that he doesn’t believe he will be able to reach the other side. Then he admits that he used to boast about his life even though he was not at all content. Kencho believed that he had persuaded many individuals to make poor financial decisions, and despite attending parties with prominent people and dating attractive women, he had never felt content. He continues by saying that he had no interest in the real estate industry and had always wanted to be a stand-up comic. Akira attentively hears his companion out before successfully persuading him to jump. Fortunately, Kencho makes it to the other side alive, and the two of them have a beer.

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