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My Unique Skill Episode 8 Recap and Ending Explained

‘You Can Do It!’ is the title of episode 8 of the anime series ‘Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu’ or ‘My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1′. Celeste, get ’em! Celeste can only utilise one magic, Ryouta discovers. When the dungeon master shows up in Selen, the adventurers start stress eating, which results in a significant amount of rubbish for Celeste to burn. Ryouta later takes matters into his own hands and assembles his own team after discovering that Duke is not permitted by law to send a team to battle the dungeon master without hetero’s assistance. ‘Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu’ or ‘My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1’ episode 8 has an ending that you should know about. Spoilers follow!


My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 Episode 8 Recap

Emily decides to bake something for Ryouta and Celeste one morning as they are talking about the latest events. Ryouta is initially astonished when she produces a cake, and he is more shocked when she says that she has also made ice cream. Later that morning, Celeste returns to burning the rubbish, but this time she exhausts all of her energy and passes out. Ryouta uses the healing bullets to hasten her recovery.


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She can only employ Inferno magic, which consumes a lot of energy. As a result, she must continue to battle while working. Ryouta assumes the torch-burning job in order to assist her. But since the dungeon master’s entrance in Selen, people have been stress eating excessive amounts of junk, so Ryouta’s timing could not have been worse. When he later runs up Duke, he finds out that while hetero has hired Nepute and his party to battle the dungeon master, he hasn’t tried to arrange them in a squad that best matches them.

The contract that Duke signed stipulates that the two rivals must work together to combat the dungeon master, therefore it turns out that Duke’s options are limited. Ryouta decides to take matters into his own hands and chooses Emily and Celeste for the risky assignment because there has been no progress.

My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 Episode 8 Ending: Does Ryouta Defeat Selen’s Monster Lord? Does Secro Get Selen’s Ownership?

Ryouta, Emily, and Celeste enter the Selen dungeon and stand with their backs to one another, ready for any threat that may come their way. The other creatures just disappear when the dungeon master shows up. The three friends discover that it is actually Selen’s monster king when a bicorn appears on the scene. Emily tries to take the initiative because they cannot afford to give the dungeon master any opportunity to assault them, but her attacks seem to have little effect.

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In fact, the dungeon master has a shield that deflects all assaults. There is little chance of victory for the three pals unless they can figure out a means to circumvent its defence system. They attempt a series of double attacks to trick the bicorn but are unsuccessful in doing any additional harm. Yuujin informs Duke and Neptune that Ryouta and his companions have entered the dungeon on their own and are currently engaged in combat with the Bicorn. Duke, who is well aware of his abilities, expresses worry for the group.

Ryouta, Emily, and Celeste keep attempting various assaults on the dungeon master but are unable to seriously harm the monster. The trio’s stats are then decreased by the bicorn, making them even weaker as if this weren’t awful enough already. Celeste is in poor health and struggles to stand. When. When Ryouta notices her in this condition, he thanks her for everything she has done so far but begs her to rest for the time being. He says that she is more important than the difference she can make.

Celeste is moved to tears by Ryouta’s generosity and remembers that no one has ever taken such good care of her. She musters all her might and stands up once more in an effort to assist him. The shield protecting the dungeon master is subsequently destroyed by her using all of his energy. Ryouta seizes the chance when it presents itself and is able to knock it out. The group obtains its horn as the dungeon master is vanquished. Then, Ryouta gives it to Celeste as a tacit way of saying thank you for being so brave.

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Duke is quite impressed when Ryouta subsequently sees him and tells him what occurred. Adventurers are quickly dispatched to the dungeon to see if the environment has changed, but it turns out that nothing has. Ryouta, Emily, and Celeste’s efforts have ultimately resulted in Selen’s possession of Secro Village. Later, Celeste is invited to join Ryouta and Emily.