In the struggle against crime in Gotham City, Batman has a plethora of devices and weaponry at his disposal. However, one device that has lately been exposed in the pages of Detective Comics is both startling and impressive: his ears. The bat ears on the Dark Knight’s cowl appear to serve a purpose other than to make him look like a nocturnal monster of the night. As seen in the newest issue of Detective Comics, they can also be employed as a powerful deterrence against criminals.
After the events of ‘Joker War,’ Batman is trying to adjust to his new normal in Detective Comics #1029 by Peter J. Tomasi and Kenneth Rocafort. Batman’s budget has been substantially reduced after much of his money and resources were stolen by Joker to fund his attack on the city. In addition, Bruce Wayne is in the midst of relocating from Wayne Manor to the city proper in order to be closer to and more connected to the people he protects. While this appears to be a wise decision on Wayne’s behalf, it may be too late. As characters like The Mirror and the newest mayoral candidate in Gotham agitate anti-vigilante emotions in the streets and in Gotham’s political theater, more people in Gotham are assembling in protest against Batman.
But that won’t stop Batman from combating crime and keeping the public secure. In Detective Comics #1029, Batman is on the hunt for a group of bank thieves who are carrying a captive. Midway through the automobile chase, Batman climbs on top of their getaway car, pulls the driver out, and takes the wheel himself. While the other two thieves and the prisoner are understandably shocked, one of the robbers tries unsuccessfully to shoot him in the back of the head. As a result, Batman reclines in his seat and lets his bat ears take care of the rest, as they can allegedly be used as projectiles.