Christopher Storer created the comedy-drama television series “The Bear” for FX on Hulu. Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto, a celebrated chef who relocates to Chicago and takes over his late brother’s failing restaurant, is portrayed by Jeremy Allen White (‘Shameless’). While The Original Beef of Chicagoland is the main focus of the narrative, the show immerses viewers in the Chicago food scene by showcasing a number of actual eateries. Therefore, viewers must be interested to find out whether Ever, the best restaurant in the world, is true when an entire episode takes place there. In that case, here is all the information you need to know about the Ever Restaurant from season two of “The Bear”! Spoilers follow!
Is Ever Based on a Real Restaurant?
Forks, the seventh episode of “The Bear” season 2, offers Richard “Richie” Jerimovich some much-needed development. In the episode, Carmy assigns Richie to work at Chicago’s Ever, one of the top restaurants in the world. Richie rapidly loses patience, though, when he is forced to clean forks for the first few days. Richie later gains the respect of his new coworkers and receives instruction from those running the top restaurant in the entire globe. It is safe to believe that Ever is based on a real restaurant given how much the episode promotes it and its legendary renown. The solution to that, though, is a little trickier.
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The restaurant’s name may be seen in the episode on a signboard as well as various employees’ outfits. The episode was shot at the authentic Ever Restaurant on 1340 West Fulton Street in Chicago. For the version of Ever in the show, the eatery doubles as Ever. It serves only dinners from Tuesday through Saturday and is renowned for its sumptuous eight to ten-course meals. The restaurant’s cooking team is headed by Michelin-starred Chef Curtis Duffy. Fascinatingly, practically all of the cuisine presented in the episode was also made by Chef Curtis Duffy. However, the real Ever Restaurant only has two Michelin stars, unlike its fictional version. Ever, the fictional restaurant featured in the show, is said to hold three Michelin stars, which justifies its ranking as one of the top restaurants in the world.
Richie discovers the past of the Ever Restaurant in one scene. The restaurant was said to have launched in 2012. The actual Ever Restaurant, a relatively recent addition to Chicago’s fine-dining scene, did not debut until 2020. Additionally, the fictitious chefs that make up the majority of the cast of the programme include Chef Terry, who mentors Richie in the episode and teaches him the value of “Every Second Counts.” Additionally, it is revealed that Carmy and Luca (Will Poulter) have previously worked at the restaurant. As a result, there are enough alterations and departures from Ever Restaurant in the show to classify it as a fictional establishment. However, the physical location of the fictional restaurant was the genuine Ever Restaurant, and anyone who want to experience the best of Chicago can go there.