What Is Counter-Earth in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? A Detailed Explanation

What Is Counter-Earth in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? A Detailed Explanation

We routinely see strange new worlds in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and we may have just seen the strangest one yet.

The Guardians of the Galaxy films have always been a little stranger than the other MCU films, despite the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has brought to life some of the most fascinating and bizarre comic book locations throughout the course of its 15-year history. We’ve just learned about a peculiar universe with walking, talking animals thanks to the publication of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which is a whole new level of insane.

What precisely is Counter-Earth, then? What is the purpose of this planet, and who made it? And how does it affect the MCU characters from the Marvel movies? These are the newest movie’s spoilers.

What is Counter-Earth in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

High Evolutionary built Counter-Earth, a seemingly perfect utopia where he houses his anthropomorphic test subjects. The utopian society that the High Evolutionary had in mind is very different from this one. Although though many of the animal-human hybrids have relatively normal lives, there is still crime, violence, and poverty on the streets of Counter-Earth.

We all have shortcomings, regardless of how hard people work to get better, and the Guardians of the Galaxy team tackles with this idea in the most recent James Gunn movie.

As the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 finales draw near, High Evolutionary realises his experiment has failed, and the Marvel villain decides he must destroy everything in order to restart with the New Colony he is working on. Regrettably, the list of individuals who perish away in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 includes residents of Counter-Earth.