The Netflix original series “Glamorous” tells the tale of Marco Meija, whose life is transformed when he accepts a position as the second assistant to the founder and owner of a renowned makeup firm. Despite his passion for makeup, Marco first finds it difficult to keep up with the rigorous job and repeatedly comes dangerously near to being fired. He is able to do a complete turnaround with the help of his mother and his coworkers, establishing his merit as someone who belongs in the makeup profession.
Ben is one of Marco’s coworkers. He is a designer, and since Marco works in a different division, he is unable to be as close to Marco as he would like. Ben struggles to express his love for Marco despite having a crush on him from the minute they first met. But eventually, things work out for them. Here’s all you need to know if you want to find out if they get together at the end of the season. Spoilers follow.
Does Marco End Up With Ben?
Ben and Marco seem incredibly different from one another when they first meet. Ben seldom wears flamboyant clothing, whereas Marco enjoys donning cosmetics and wearing lovely gowns. Ben is quiet and wants to keep to himself, while Marco is vocal. Ben believes that Marco exudes a lot more confidence than he does. He concludes that Marco is too capable for him as a result. He considers asking Marco out, but he is too afraid to do so.
Ben agrees when Marco begs to hang out one day. They enter the Hinkle Room, consume narcotics, and party all night long. After that, Parker calls Marco. Ben was unaware that Marco and Parker were dating. Parker preferred to keep things casual, but Marco wanted more from the relationship. After Parker informed Marco that he would not be available, Marco only sought out Ben because he had no one else to spend out with. Marco, though, departs when Parker calls, but not before Ben kisses him.
The kiss is proof that Ben likes Marco, as Marco already knows. But when Marco and Parker’s relationship develops, Ben is devastated to learn about it. He understands that he cannot continue to hold out for Marco or be there for him anytime he wants. He then moves on while simultaneously keeping a distance from the man he is crushing on. Ben’s aloofness also makes Marco feel defeated, so he tries to mend fences with him. By that time, Marco and Parker were no longer together, and Marco informs Ben of this. But it takes some time for Ben to open up and become his friend once more.
Ben and Marco eventually start dating, and it appears that they will soon be able to be together. Parker and Marco didn’t have a good connection since Parker wasn’t ready to publicly declare Marco as his boyfriend. Ben, though, is overjoyed to be alive. He accepts Marco for who he is and values the aspects of him that Parker finds objectionable. Marco, though, doesn’t recognise that. Parker tries to make amends with Marco, but Marco can’t refuse because he still has feelings for Parker.
When Britt learns that Marco meets Parker and hasn’t moved on from his ex, she tells him to make a decision. She doesn’t want Ben to experience heartbreak because she is aware of how much he likes Marco. Marco is alarmed by this and informs Ben that he only wants a casual relationship and is not seeking for anything serious. Ben consents, but the following evening Marco reunifies with Parker at Parker’s house. The romance between Ben and Marco has come to an end.
The fact that Ben still thinks Marco doesn’t want to be in a relationship and that he can win him back makes their breakup worse. He doesn’t learn Marco is dating Parker until much later. Even worse, he learns that Parker and Marco started dating about the same time that Marco informed Ben he wanted to keep things casual. They started dating intermittently throughout the previous few months. Later, Marco dumps Parker once more, but it doesn’t make Ben and Parker reconcile. Ben still has feelings for Marco, so they might be together in the future, but as of the end of the first season, they are already dating.
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