In the Netflix original series “Glamorous,” a young man named Marco lands the dream job of a lifetime working for Madolyn Addison, a former model who now owns and operates a makeup empire. The once-in-a-lifetime chance quickly proves to be more difficult than Marco anticipated as he deals with the challenges of becoming Madolyn’s second assistant. In the meantime, he meets other men to whom he is drawn. He experiences his first meaningful relationship, falls in love, and goes through breakups that make him realise what he wants in a companion. Through this journey, Marco finally comes to terms with his identity and makes the decision to take action. Here is what the ‘Glamorous’ series finale means for him. Spoilers follow.
Unveiling Identity: Is Miss Benny’s Marco Trans? Delving into the Character
Is Marco Trans?
The viewer is introduced to Marco as a young, vibrant gay man. On the surface, Marco appears to be self-assured, but as time passes, it becomes clear that he has his share of uncertainties and concerns, which frequently cause him to make poor choices. But he moves on after learning from his errors. Since his mother has been his main source of support during his adventure, it is challenging for him when she accepts a job in another city and moves there.
Marco tries to tell his mother anything before saying farewell. She whispers something in his ear in response. Later, after things have calmed down at Glamorous, Marco is en route to a transgender specialist appointment. According to a flashback, his mother referred to him as “the best daughter a mother could have.” This demonstrates that Marco is transgender and is prepared to move closer to their authentic selves.
Marco has always been a gender nonconformist who isn’t afraid to express themselves through their appearance, including their cosmetics and clothing. Ben, for example, saw this as a sign of his self-assurance, while Parker saw it to be threatening. Parker never entirely accepted this version despite dating Marco and seeming to like them for who they are, and she constantly tried to convince Marco to tone it down. Marco ultimately makes the decision to not let people like Parker to dictate their identity and behaviour. They believe it’s time to move forward after coming out to their mother and receiving her approval.
Is Miss Benny Trans?
Miss Benny describes herself as gay and non-binary. 2019 saw the singer, actor, and once active YouTuber take on the stage name Miss Benny because “I was always dressed to the nines and had my face done perfectly.” “Queer” was the first word they used to describe me, which included everything I identify as. They at first claimed to be a gay male. They eventually understood, though, that their sexuality might not be “a straight line.” I put a lot of pressure on myself to identify one side or the other on everything because I still had questions about my gender identification. The first word that accurately described how I was feeling was “queer,” they remarked.
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For Miss Benny, their sexuality continues to be fluid, and they find solace in not identifying with or relating to one particular thing. When asked about the meaning of their name’s origin, the band responded, “It’s little masculine but still feminine, and a lot of the time leaves people confused. And because there is a lot of ambiguity in how I identify, I kind of like that. I therefore prefer that my perception remain the same.
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Miss Benny, who was born and reared in Dallas, said that a number of factors made them realise that there are different levels of sexuality. When they were younger, they cherished dressing up because it gave them temporary “permission to embrace [their] femininity in a safe space.” Although it was wonderful to discover their sexuality so young, it was also “challenging in all the ways that any queer person who grows up in a less accepting environment finds challenging.” Since then, they have had many highs and lows and made significant progress. They acknowledged that despite their difficulties over the years, they had grown “very resilient and even more determined to pursue [their] dream.”