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Noelle Watters: A Look Back at Jesse Watters’ First Wife

Noelle Watters, the first wife of Fox News broadcaster Jesse Watters, is an American fashion stylist and media figure who has previously worked for Fox News.

She is still best known for being Jesse Watter’s former wife.

A conservative American journalist and political commentator who recently made news for his critique of Joe Biden went to court to establish that he was a deadbeat father.

On Monday, May 1, 2023, on “Jesse Watters Primetime,” he talked about Hunter Biden’s court appearance in Arkansas regarding child support payments for a young daughter born out of wedlock and what it might mean for the Biden family. He also talked about the case involving his alleged influence peddling.

Let’s acknowledge the fact that Sophie and Ellie Watters were born to Jesse Watters and his first wife.

She is well known for her marriage to Jesse and their subsequent divorce following his scandalous infidelity.

As a single mother raising her twin daughters, Noelle is extremely private about her personal life.

When did Jesse Watters first wife born?

On May 5, 1967, Noelle Inguagiato was born in New York, New York, to middle-class parents. Her early education and formative years were also spent there.

Since she is a very private person and prefers to keep all of her personal revelations away from the media spotlight, she has not spoken much about her siblings or childhood.

She did, however, once admit that she had a strong interest in fashion as a child and would purchase and read through editions of Vogue.

In 1998, Noelle graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Fairfield University in Connecticut.

She joined Fox News soon after graduating and served as an anchor and style guide on the daytime news and conversation show The O’Reilly Factor.

When she began hosting the short-lived style and fashion programme “iMag” on Fox News in 2011, Jesse Watters’ first wife’s ambition of working in fashion became a reality.

Her strong sense of style and fashion, along with her engaging and knowledgable presentation, made the show both interesting and engrossing.

She left the news station for maternity leave after giving birth to twin girls, and she hasn’t come back, putting her media career on pause.

When did Jesse Watters meet with his first wife?

When they both worked for the same news channel in 2002, Jesse and Noelle got to know one another.

Jesse was still working his way up the ladder and she was working in advertising and promotion at the time they met.

They quickly began dating because they were both down for each other. The couple was photographed by a paparazzi when they were out on dates.

Later, once their photos became viral online, they started sharing photos of themselves together on social media and talked openly about their love.

When they got married in 2009, the press still praised their nuptials.

Prior to Jesse’s scandal, Noelle and Jesse were a happy couple for several years. He was seeing another office female, and they were dating.

How many kids did Jesse Watter have from his first wife?

On November 4, 2011, less than two years after they got married, Sophie and Ellie Watters, their twin daughters, were born.

But now that they are divorced, their daughter lives with Noelle.

Who is current Jesse Watters wife?

He currently shares his life with Emma DiGiovine, whom he also met while working on Fox News.

He admitted having an affair with her in 2017, when she was serving as the assistant producer for his programme.

His divorce from Noelle Inguagiato, his first wife, was brought on by the affair.

On Monday, April 17, 2023, the Fox News pair did, however, become parents to a daughter they named Georgina Post Watters.

Jesse posted a picture of himself standing next to his 30-year-old wife in the hospital bed, holding their daughter by the breast, to his Instagram account to announce this information.