Who Raymond Reddington In The Blacklist? What’s His Real Identity?

Will the identity of Raymond Reddington ever be revealed on NBC’s The Blacklist? The show has had a lot of fun teasing the answer. Raymond Reddington (James Spader), a prominent wanted felon, turns himself in to the FBI in the opening scene of the NBC thriller The Blacklist. Red promises to assist them in finding further wanted offenders on his own “blacklist,” which he has created. The fairly peculiar requirement of Raymond Reddington is that he will only collaborate with newcomer Liz Keen (Megan Boone), with whom he has a mystery relationship.


The Blacklist has had 9 seasons to far, with season 10 already confirmed as of actor James Spader’s announcement on February 22, 2022. The procedural drama The Blacklist has proven to be very entertaining. This is primarily due to James Spader’s portrayal of Raymond Reddington on The Blacklist, where he works well with Boone until Liz’s death in season 8. The Blacklist, which has become famous enough to inspire a spinoff in the form of The Blacklist: Redemption, positively revels in surprising twists and revelations. In the latter, Liz’s spy-husband Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) and his independent contractor mother Scottie (Famke Janssen) were the main characters.


Who is Raymond Reddington exactly, and is he Liz’s father? has been the central query throughout much of The Blacklist. Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist has already led the FBI and Liz on a wild goose chase, and this time is no different in regards to the identity of the enigmatic character. Here is a list of potential candidates for the role of Raymond Reddington played by James Spader in The Blacklist.

Liz’s Father Is The Real Raymond Reddington

The sixth season of The Blacklist seems to have uncovered the truth, demonstrating that while Raymond Reddington IS Liz’s father, the person Liz knows isn’t Reddington. Liz’s mother Katarina Rostova, who was really a KGB spy dispatched to lure and engage into a relationship with him, was dating The Blacklist’s genuine Raymond Reddington. When Liz was just four years old, she shot Reddington while he was pursuing Katarina, and a fire erupted as a result. The Blacklist’s Raymond Reddington perished as a result of Liz’s fatal shot, despite Katarina and Ilya saving him from the fire.

Ilya Koslov Is Another Raymond Reddington Imposter

James Spader as Red and Brett Cullen as Ilya in The Blacklist Ilya Koslov Is Another Raymond Reddington Imposter
After Raymond Reddington’s death, it was revealed in The Blacklist that Ilya Koslov, a KGB agent and Katarina’s friend and occasional lover, assumed his position and underwent major plastic surgery to change his appearance. Following Reddington’s passing, Katarina was thought to have committed suicide by plunging into the ocean, but The Blacklist season 6 proved she is still alive. In The Blacklist season 7, Rostova questions Reddington’s true identity as Koslov once more and reveals that he isn’t actually Ilya either. Instead, Ilya appears as Brett Cullen, an actor best known for playing the Joker and a close friend of the “impostor” Reddington. When the person Liz believed to be her mother in The Blacklist season 8 reveals that she is actually simply a spy named Tatiana Petrova, Liz’s hopes are destroyed once more (Laila Robins).

The True Identity of James Spader’s Reddington – Every Theory

The exact identity of Raymond Reddington, called Red, from The Blacklist is still a mystery to viewers as season 9 and season 10 of the show are both confirmed to be renewed. There are now two main hypotheses gaining ground, one of which is that James Spader’s character Red is actually Raymond Reddington who staged his own suicide. It’s not beyond possibility that Raymond Reddington managed to flee. It’s possible that the young Liz missed his vital organs by a millimetre as gunshot wounds aren’t often lethal.

Another hypothesis holds that Liz Keen’s mother, who underwent major surgery, is Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist. Although this hypothesis has long been around, it didn’t really take off until the end of season 8 for two reasons. The first comes from a dialogue between Red and Liz in The Blacklist season 8 when Liz asks him if he knew her mother, and Red replies with a knowing smile that he knew Katarina “quite well.” The letter Red writes to Liz in The Blacklist season 8 before she passes away serves as the second hint. Liz is informed by Raymond Reddington of The Blacklist that Katarina is the author of the note, which “explains everything.” The Blacklist’s Raymond Reddington might possibly be Liz’s mother, given that Katarina Rostov’s whereabouts remain unknown.

Fans of The Blacklist must start from scratch in order to learn the real identity of Red and the nature of his relationship with Liz. He IS the genuine Reddington, according to the popular belief, and he survived his burning and apparent death. He doesn’t regard himself as Liz’s real father since he doesn’t think of himself as the old Raymond. He probably won’t be revealed to be who he really is until The Blacklist season 9 or season 10 is about to end. Even then, though, The Blacklist is quite good at defying expectations, so even the “truth” can be murky.