Juliette Porter From Siesta Key Is Calls Out Body Shamers On Instagram

The Siesta Key star posted some of the body shaming on her Instagram story, and she is now calling out anyone who says anything bad about her figure. In 2021, Juliette launched JMP The Label, a bikini brand, in the wake of intense doubt and criticism from the other cast members of her reality TV show. According to the television show, Juliette was fascinated with her ex-boyfriend Sam Logan, vacations, and all the luxuries Sam could bring into her life. She was working on a swimwear brand named By Kelsea Owens at the same time as her co-star and former best friend Kelsey Owens. For a tropical swimwear photoshoot, the two brought their respective projects to their island vacation during Siesta Key season 4a.


Unfortunately, the rival businesses and other factors, such as Kelsey’s claim that Juliette was pursuing Sam’s money, led to a schism between the women. The two were never able to mend their connection after Kelsey received a punch to the face from Juliette. On Siesta Key, Juliette didn’t appear to be all that committed to her business at first, but by season 4b, she had completely changed her mind. JMP The Label took precedence in Juliette’s life, forcing her to leave Sam’s home and ultimately causing the two of them to break up permanently. Since then, the business has enjoyed great success, and it was recently highlighted in Sports Illustrated.


Sadly, she’s recently come across some body shamers. The Siesta Key star loves it when her followers tag her in social media images of them wearing her swimwear. In a statement posted to her Instagram story, Juliette called out the troll accounts and shared some of the derogatory remarks they had been making about her. “I’ve therefore been tagged in awful posts for weeks. I attempt to block the accounts, but they continue to create new ones “he explained as a star. I’m DYING to find out who is responsible and why they despise me so much, lol. Juliette said on her Instagram story that she didn’t want to have to talk about the body shaming, but that there is nothing else she can do because the Siesta Key star can no longer look at her mentions without seeing the offensive posts.

She continued by sharing some of the cruel comments that have been left on her social media posts, where users zoom in on images of her wearing swimwear from JMP The Label and make fun of her size. Juliette stated that she is not seeking pity but rather suggestions on how to continue to read updates from her admirers without having hostile content saturate her notifications. She wrote, “@instagram step it up,” before revealing that she had disabled the option for those she wasn’t following to tag her in their Instagram stories. To ensure that she can view their stories from the company’s account, Juliette urged her followers to constantly tagging JMP The Label in their posts.

Models of all sizes and forms can be seen on the JMP The Label website. Juliette has also been outspoken about her aim to establish a swimwear business where ladies can feel at ease and assured. What the accounts are saying about her directly goes against her morals and simply serves to further the brutal abuse that many women around the world endure over their bodies. Juliette may not have wanted to name the trolls on her Instagram story, but the Siesta Key actress did so in order to raise awareness of the harsh criticism that makes many women despise their appearance and can even worsen body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Hopefully Instagram will improve its user protection efforts and stop body-shaming accounts.