In the “Sort Of” television series, a non-binary millennial struggles to juggle their responsibilities as a young child of Pakistani immigrants, a bartender at an LGBTQ bookstore and café, and a babysitter for an adult couple’s young children.
Release date
Sort Of’s second season will premiere on HBO Max on December 1.
Cast & creators
Gray Powell, Bilal Baig
Patnaik, Ellora
Jessica Cordner
Wraich, Supinder
Calderone Gregory Ambrose
Kanashiro Kaya Aden Bedard
Caitlin Blackwell
Kung, Grace Lynn
Bale, Alanna
Charles James
Official synopsis
“SORT OF’s second season, which consists of eight episodes, is the season of love. Love encompasses relationships with one’s friends, family, coworkers, romantic interests, and, most importantly, with oneself. Sabi makes the decision that they’re not just prepared for a simple romance but also that they want everyone to be in love with one another.
The Kaneko-Bauers’ struggles as Bessy is released from rehab, the problems at Bar Bük, and their dad’s unexpected return from Dubai are just a few of the complicated situations and relationships that Sabi must deal with.
Other details
The sitcom “Sort Of” received the most nominations at the 10th Canadian Screen Awards in 2022.
The video clip opens with Sabi being witty and caustic. The first peek for the upcoming season reveals how Sabi handles family acceptance and falling in love.
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