The spooky thriller “Lockwood and Co” on Netflix takes place in a world overrun with ghosts. In this area, hauntings differ from the kind described in bedtime tales for kids. In fact, there is a curfew in effect that forbids individuals from leaving their homes after dark. In this universe, two lads named Lockwood and George are in Lucy Carlyle’s team of ghost hunters. They don’t think twice about accepting cases that push their abilities, as well as their ability and training, to the test in order to build a name for their newly formed business. There is still plenty to learn about ghosts, but the show doesn’t truly explain what what led to all of this. What led to this? What exactly is the issue that everyone keeps bringing up? Let’s investigate. Spoilers follow.
What is the Problem?
The general public is still unaware of the underlying causes of the Problem, the phrase used to describe the epidemic of spirits. Everyone is aware of how the world functions at the moment, but they are unaware of the initial circumstances that led to this. All they are aware of is the fact that ghosts did not exist fifty years ago. At the very least, it wasn’t well known. Even if ghosts did exist, they remained to themselves and rarely interacted with people, leading many people to doubt their very existence. But after that, something altered.
Nobody is certain of what or how, yet all of a sudden, lethal ghosts were everywhere. A ghost might kill you with only one touch. If not that, one can become ghost-locked and be deemed brain dead after spending the remainder of their life in a coma. Many people died as a result of the spirits’ abrupt appearance because no one understood how to stop them or combat them. Before anything could be understood, the globe had undergone a drastic transformation, with millions of people dead and the economy in ruins. This necessitated the creation of a new world order, and that is when ghost hunters first appeared.
While adults couldn’t see ghosts, it was found that certain children had a gift for feeling them. These children were either listeners or had the gift of sight or touch. Marisa Fittes and Tom Rotwell made history in the field when they were the first to expel a spirit by finding its source. They established new techniques for ghost hunting and provided the globe with a much-needed guide for battling ghosts. They also contributed to the classification of ghosts into Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Type 3 ghosts are so uncommon that Marisa Fittes is the only person who has ever been known to have seen one. That is, prior to Lucy Carlyle.
People are still coming up with theories on how the Problem began fifty years later. When Lucy was in training, one of her pals thought it was odd to say the least that Fittes and Rotwell emerged out of nowhere with a solution at a time when no one else knew what was going on. He implies that they played a role in the development of the Problem. The fact that Lockwood and company eventually learn John Fairfax’s sinister truth provides additional, albeit weak, evidence in the show’s favour of this claim.
Although John Fairfax had several interests, Fairfax Iron was where he saw the most financial success. He created the chains that are used as a form of ghost defence. He made a lot of money at a time when the world was going to hell because of the nature of his business. He is one of the most influential people in the nation thanks to his reputation and riches. Therefore, when he passes away and the truth that he killed Annabel Ward is ready to become public, some unidentified people make it all disappear. It appears that they don’t want people investigating Fairfax and learning more about his secrets.
Fittes, Rotwell, Fairfax, and a number of other individuals who made a suspicious amount of money following the Problem could very well be involved. We also learn that the Type 3 spirit The Skull, who was previously at Fittes and Rotwell before George abducted him, was there. The occultist Edmund Bickerstaff, who utilised the Bone Glass to make a gateway to another world, has a direct connection to the skull. He even made an effort to create sources for visitors. It’s probable that after Fittes and Rotwell began studying his work, they unwittingly or actively contributed to the spread of this evil.
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