The action-thriller series “Treason” on Netflix, created by Matt Charman, stars Charlie Cox as Adam Lawrence, a senior MI6 operative who is second only to the organization’s Chief. Adam is compelled to expose the entire scheme once the spy discovers that his rapid promotion inside the organisation is related to a sinister secret from his background.
In the process, Adam’s family’s life is in danger, and he is compelled to doubt everyone he previously trusted. Adam must find a way to show his innocence before his history decimates his family as he becomes more and more entangled in the conspiracy. Here is all the information you need to know about the conclusion of “Treason” whether you’re wondering if Adam successfully navigates the plot and triumphs or dies under duress. Spoilers follow!
Treason Recap
“Treason” follows Adam Lawrence (Charlie Cox) as he manages his dual roles as a family man and the deputy to the head of MI6. Maddy, a former soldier who now works as a nurse to assist agents in recovering from physical wounds, is Adam’s wife. Ella, a teenage girl, and Callum, a younger son, are the couple’s two children. Adam is invited to talk about his career when he visits his son’s school one day. The meeting is abruptly ended, though, when Adam finds out that Sir Martin Angelis, head of MI6, was poisoned for unknown reasons by Ciarán Hinds. Adam is consequently compelled to step up and take up the position of MI6 Chief.
Later, Adam learns that Angelis’s poisoning was the work of Kara, his former lover and informant. When Kara’s squad was slain in Baku, Azerbaijan, due to her giving Adam crucial information that enabled him to save captives at the British embassy, Kara and Adam first encountered one other. Kara gets in touch with Adam and tells him that she planned everything to put him in a powerful position so he could aid her in finding the people who killed her squad. Adam examines the official documents, but he can find no evidence of MI6 involvement in the Baku operation. Additionally, Adam tells Kara not to get in touch with him and that he won’t work with her.
Ella, Adam’s daughter, is abducted after school a few days later. Adam looks for Ella but comes up empty-handed. He must therefore accept Kara’s assistance. In return, Adam must give Kara damaging material about Audrey Gratz, the foreign minister and potential prime ministerial candidate. Adam finds a hidden file at Angelis’ house that has damaging details regarding Gratz. He shares the information, and Kara returns Ella to her family in safety.
Adam learns that the MI6 Chief has a number of files containing sensitive information while looking for Gratz’s file at Angelis’ home. One of these files contains evidence that might be used to accuse Adam of being a Russian double agent. Adam might therefore be accused of treason and given a life sentence for plotting against his country. While Angelis recovers and goes home from the hospital, Adam muses about leaving his position. Dee, a CIA agent and Maddy’s buddy, comes in the UK in the meantime to keep an eye on Adam. She has grounds to think that Adam is a Russian agent. De connives to get Maddy to spy on her husband.
Adam soon learns that Kara is collaborating with Anton Melnikov, a Russian entrepreneur who wants to appoint Kirby, Gratz’s rival, as prime minister. Adam meets with Melnikov to learn more about his relationship with Kara, but Angelis uses the meeting’s photos to support his contention that Adam is a double agent. Angelis joins forces with Dee to eliminate Adam’s threat when he escapes to protect his family. On the other hand, Adam understands that in order to show his innocence, he must track out the person who killed Kara’s squad. In order to find out who the mysterious MI6 agent is, he devises a bold strategy.
Treason Ending: What Happens to Adam? Is He Dead?
The target is on Adam’s back by the fifth and final episode, and he also needs to defend his family. He therefore devises a strategy to get the documents that can shed light on the identity of the covert agent who murdered Kara’s squad in Baku. Adam must first persuade Gratz that he is not a part of the scheme to rig the Prime Minister election, though. So he sends Maddy to persuade Gratz. On the other side, Adam collaborates with Kara to find Olamide, who is in possession of the file.
Maddy shows up just as Adam and Kara are getting the required documents. The CIA special force led by Dee ambushes the group. In a file, Adam may be identified as Dorain, the assassin of Kara’s crew. Kara, however, is certain that Adam could not have been responsible for the atrocity because they were together the night Kara’s squad was killed. Dee tries to step in and questions Adam under threat of being shot before Kara can escape with the documents.
Maddy considers giving the file to Dee in order to save Adam when Dee demands it. Adam, however, spots a gap and tries to take advantage of it to rush Dee and seize the rifle. Dee consequently shoots Adam. In the end, Adam passes away with a tarnished reputation. Adam does not appear to care about his reputation, as evidenced by his behaviour. For Adam, his family’s security comes first. Adam’s family would have been investigated for his supposed treachery if Dee had obtained the files. It is safe to assume that Adam died while attempting to defend his family.
Who Is Dorian? Does Kara Find Him?
Maddy is in charge of cleaning her husband’s name after Adam’s passing. Meanwhile, Angelis fabricates Kara’s murder of Adam. The MI6 now has full permission to pursue Kara. To prevent Adam’s reputation from being tarnished in the media, Kara and Maddy resolve to team together and locate Dorian. By spreading the rumour that Kara is escaping the nation with sensitive documents, they set up a trap. In order to reveal Dorian’s identity, they are hoping that he will appear to retrieve the crucial information.
While Angelis spreads fabrications about Adam being a double agent, Maddy departs for the committee meeting with the documents. However, Maddy meets Patrick, a buddy of Adam’s who is in charge of MI6 operations in Russian territory. Maddy concludes that Patrick is Dorian based on his actions and effort to remove the data from her. She avoids Patrick and enters the chamber to reveal Angelis’ fabrications. Gratz, who receives the papers from Maddy, reveals how Angelis had secret files on every government official and used them to blackmail them for his own gain. As a result, Adam’s reputation is restored, and Maddy’s actions lend his passing a heroism.
Maddy reveals to Kara that Patrick is Dorian in the meanwhile. In order to poison Patrick, Kara locates him using a picture of her former comrades. Patrick perishes as a result, and Kara exacts revenge on her crew for dying. In the end, Patrick is revealed to be Doria, the covert double agent who avoided being discovered for his questionable behaviour in Baku for years. Additionally, he made a deliberate attempt to blame his friend Adam for his crimes. Nevertheless, Maddy and Kara’s combined efforts reveal Patrick, and Kara murders Patrick as retaliation for the deaths of her comrades and Adam.
What Happens to Angelis and Dee?
In the previous episode, Angelis and Dee work together to eliminate Adam. They both think Adam is Dorian and poses a threat to their respective countries. As a result, Angelis enlists Dee’s assistance to block Adam’s path by blaming his former deputy for the incident in Baku and the Russian meddling in the elections. Dee also receives complete permission to work in the UK despite being a CIA agent, and she will become a national hero for catching Adam. However, what seems to be a win-win situation for both parties does not turn out well for Angelis and Dee.
Finally, Maddy and Gratz reveal Angelis, and a news report confirms his demise. Angelis has been detained for extorting various public figures, so it is reasonable to assume that he won’t cause any harm to the Lawrences any time soon. The closing scenes, however, show Maddy speaking to Dee on the phone. Threatening to ruin Dee’s reputation, Maddy exposes Dee’s operations in the UK and her complicity in the unlawful shooting of an MI6 agent.
Maddy is determined to annihilate those responsible for her husband’s death, despite Dee’s pleas that she was just trying to protect her, and Dee won’t stand in her way. The conclusion, however, has Maddy travelling with her kids to give the tragic news of Adam’s passing. The rewarding yet sad reunion with Maddy, Callum, and Ella reinforces Adam’s emphasis on placing his family first in his life, even though we are not made aware of Maddy’s aspirations to overthrow Dee. Even though Adam is gone, his family endures the suffering brought on by his past and continues to live in the hope of a brighter future.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.