Twisted Metal by Peacock is an action-comedy series based on the well-known video game franchise of the same name. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where deadly criminals have taken over and most of the populace lives in walled-off cities. It was created by Michael Jonathan Smith for television. The narrative centres on John Doe (Anthony Mackie), a loudmouthed milkman with amnesia who is given the task of delivering a mysterious parcel while travelling through the wastelands. Without providing any answers regarding John’s history, the first season finishes by setting up a far bigger struggle for the milkman to get involved in. Here is everything we know about the potential for “Twsited Metal” season 2 in case you’re wondering whether John will continue his struggle for survival in the perilous world of vehicle combat.
Will Twisted Metal Season 2 Happen?
Season 1 of “Twisted Metal” premiered on Peacock on July 27, 2023. The first season consists of ten episodes, each of which lasts around 30 minutes. The streaming service released all of the first season’s episodes on the same day. Critics liked its humour, acting, and treatment of the original material, giving it mainly excellent reviews. John Doe, an amnesic Milkman who completes an almost impossible delivery run across the post-apocalyptic wastelands, is the focus of Season 1.
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There is currently no word about a second season, despite the fact that the first season closes with a quick tease and indications of the characters’ destinies. Peacock has not yet decided whether to continue the series. Although the show has just recently debuted on the streaming platform, its favourable critical reception may lead to the production of a second season. Nevertheless, Peacock will probably wait a while to evaluate the program’s success before placing an order for more episodes. The prospect of a second season has not yet been specifically mentioned by the streamer or the show’s creators.
John finishes the delivery at the end of the first season, but he is not with Quiet. Later, John discovers his past while recovering some of his memories. Raven, the COO of New San Francisco, nonetheless makes John perform a new task. The victor of a vehicular combat competition being held by the mysterious Calypso will receive whatever wish they want without any restrictions, according to Raven. The conclusion is a clear hint that there will be a second season that will follow a vehicular combat/demolition derby model more closely.
The conclusion also reveals numerous well-known video game characters who will be driving in the competition. With the introduction of John’s young sister, Dollface, the mystery surrounding his past also grows. Thus, ‘Twisted Metal’ could finally embrace the fantastical and extravagant aspects of the video games it is based upon, resulting in a narrative with even more blood, gore, explosions, and violence. In the end, everything is in place for a second season, but the success of the programme depends on how well it is received by viewers. A second season might be scheduled soon if the show draws more viewers than Peacock anticipated.
But any work on the envisioned second season won’t probably start until the current WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes in Hollywood come to a reasonable conclusion. Nevertheless, the first season didn’t start until around a year and a half after Peacock made the announcement. ‘Twisted Metal’ season 2 could prepare for a release as early as mid-2025, assuming the series is renewed for a second season and production starts by early 2024.