Vesper, a science fiction adventure drama film co-written and co-directed by Kristina Buoyt and Bruno Samper, is set in a post-apocalyptic society. It centers on Vesper, a brave and clever 13-year-old girl who, together with her disabled father, strives to survive with little help. She must, however, employ her cunning and amazing bio-hacking skills when confronted with a variety of seeds.
Vesper is now fighting for the chance to have a wealthy future with the aid of her drone and a mystery woman named Camellia. The viewers wonder where the actual “Vesper” filming locations were because of the compelling depiction of the future Earth and the realistic images set against the desolate background of the post-apocalyptic terrain. If you share our curiosity, you might find what we have to say to be interesting.
Vesper Filming Locations
The entire production of “Vesper” was shot in Lithuania, more specifically in the region around Vilnius County. According to rumors, the Raffiella Chapman-starring film’s principal photography started in March 2021 and ended in May of the same year. The production team struggled during location scouting because the locations were covered in two meters of snow, forcing them to imagine how the locations might appear without the snow.
The fact that the snow didn’t cease until two weeks before the shooting started only made things more difficult. As a result, the creators were obliged to choose the spots on the spot. Interestingly, they didn’t use a green screen for any of the photos; instead, visual effects were only used to improve shots with a plant or a ship in the background. Depending on the setting, Vesper’s drone was occasionally a real drone and other times it was a CGI creation. Let us now walk you through each of the distinct locations that serve as the post-apocalyptic universe in the action film.
Vilnius County, Lithuania
The majority of the crucial scenes for “Vesper” were filmed in Lithuania’s largest county, Vilnius, which is located in the country’s eastern part. The inside sequences featuring Vesper’s mansion were apparently filmed in one of the county’s film studios, while the external shots were reportedly shot outside. Furthermore, the abandoned Lentvaris Manor, a historic palace in the transportation center of Lentvaris, served as the backdrop for Vesper’s secret underground laboratory scenes.
The scene where Vesper discovers Camellia following the latter’s accident was filmed close to Moluvenai Stream in Pinykla Mythological Spring. The science fiction film’s production crew also set up camp at a number of other locations throughout the county, including Neris Regional Park at 108 13, 14222 Dktos, Grioviai Geomorphological Reserve, Petea Manor (now closed), and maybe near Stirniai Mound’s Moluvnai stream.
Other Locations in Lithuania
The cast and crew of “Vesper” traveled to different cities in Lithuania for the filming. For instance, one of the crucial filming locations was the Merkin Observation Tower, which is just outside Vilnius County. In addition, a few shots were filmed 22 kilometers southwest of Vilnius at the Ratnycia Swamp and Rudninkai Military Training Ground.