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Zombieverse: CGI or Makeup? Unmasking the Visual Secrets

Nobody can dispute the fact that Netflix’s “Zombieverse” is the ideal blend of drama, reality, and social experiments to illuminate the truth of human nature. After all, it centres on a group of fairly unprepared characters who find themselves suddenly on a hunt for survival during a terrifying zombie apocalypse in the Seoul, South Korea area.

Since infected beings will either be on their trail or at their side at every turn, the goal of this game exposes both the positive and negative aspects of one’s personality. We can’t help but wonder how the “zombies,” who are unquestionably this production’s most intriguing element, were made to come to life for our screens, so here is what we know.

Does Zombieverse Use CGI or Makeup?

It’s undeniable that technology has advanced the entertainment sector over the past few years, but it doesn’t seem like ‘Zombieverse’ relied on these advancements to explain its premise. Of course, we’re referring to both computer-generated imagery (CGI) and visual effects (VFX), but the main tool employed to showcase these zombies is presumably makeup.

To put it another way, the horrifying-appearing diseased people in this original aren’t fictional or edited in digitally in any manner; rather, they’re real people in full makeup who are working to achieve conviction. This is actually implied in every scene because of how seamlessly they interact physically with the cast and fight them. In addition, we occasionally catch a few little characters grinning in the later episodes.
zombieverse marvel,zombie makeup artist

Then there’s the fact that Park Na-Rae, Kkwachu Hyung, and Jonathan Yiombi’s viruses meticulously portrayed the progressions from humans to zombies, as others have frequently noted. Along with their own self-aware slow walking and other physical obstacles, comments like “their veins are showing,” “they’re going so pale,” and “their eyes are red,” etc., were sprinkled at each turn.

Even though cosmetics was probably the primary tool used to create these zombies, there is no denying that visual effects also played a part in their immaculate perfection. And the renowned Dexter Studios in South Korea, who have an entire department devoted to this craft and bring unbounded imagination to life on our screens, were instrumental in making this happen.

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